Shehu Kangiwa: 36 years after

The late Alhaji Shehu Mohammed Kangiwa, the first executive governor of former Sokoto State died in a ghastly accident exactly 36 years ago. He died as a result of injuries he sustained on his head after he fell down from his horse at a polo tournament in Kaduna. Not much has been said or written […]

Shehu Kangiwa: 36 years after

The late Alhaji Shehu Mohammed Kangiwa, the first executive governor of former Sokoto State died in a ghastly accident exactly 36 years ago. He died as a result of injuries he sustained on his head after he fell down from his horse at a polo tournament in Kaduna. Not much has been said or written about him since his demise. He should not be forgotten easily if what is said in the national anthem anything to go by: “The labour of heroes past shall not be in vain” 

The late Shehu Kangiwa, who died on November 17th, 1981, served for a period of two years, one month and sixteen days but during his stint there was no sector that his administration did not touch.  On march 28, 1980 when he presented his first budget before the state assembly, tagged “Budget of Justice and to Rural Dwellers”, it was crowned with the creation of Ministry for Rural Development which he personally supervised with the aim of reducing rural-urban drift and transformation of rural areas. His aim was to enhance the productive capacity of the rural areas in general and agriculture in particular by creating suitable social and economic infrastructure through an integrated program of rural development.

The late Shehu Kangiwa has been generally described by many as very intelligent, visionary and accommodating. His popularity continuously increased within and outside Nigeria during the NPN governors meeting. In the political arena, he was viewed as a tactician with bulldozing charisma and generosity. He was a great lover of sports, especially polo which he single-handedly brought to Sokoto. Most of Kangiwa`s associates attested to his qualities as a promising person. A famous Hausa musician, Alhaji Sani Aliyu Dandawo, who is also now deceased, described Kangiwa as “Shehu mai fada da cikawa ne”, meaning that Shehu fulfills his promise, unlike the present crop of politicians who would say one thing and do the exact opposite.

When the corpse of the late Kangiwa was conveyed to Sokoto from Kaduna, over 25 planes landed at the Sokoto Airport, carrying thousands of sympathizers who came to attend his funeral. This demonstrated the goodwill he enjoyed from all Nigerians and non-Nigerians alike.

Alhaji Isah Kangiwa (Mutawallen Argungu), a commissioner of Housing and Environment during the late Kangiwa administration who is also his former classmate and childhood friend described the late governor as “the most intelligent person in our class”. 

During his short-lived tenure, the late Shehu Kangiwa recorded tremendous achievements that cut across all human endeavours. In the area of education, the then Sokoto State which comprised of present day Kebbi and Zamfara states had witnessed establishment of many schools across the state and upgrading of tertiary institutions. Equally, there was tremendous increase in the enrolment of students into schools as conducive learning environment was created for both teachers and students. On provision of infrastructure, the late Kangiwa initiated housing projects which provided ample residential and office accommodation to civil servants in the state, notably, Giginya Secretariat, Commissioners Quarters at Sama Road, Bado Quarters,  Giginya and Shukura hotels, to mention but a few. The administration of the late Kangiwa also witnessed construction of roads within the metropolis and in the localities which had no even feeder roads.

The late Kangiwa left behind nine children, including his popular son, Ibrahim. Commenting on how life has been without their father, Ibrahim lamented that things had not been easy for the family. He said most of his father`s associates had deserted the family, only few are still in touch with them, among who are Colonel Dangiwa Umar (rtd), Senator Garba Illah Gada and Engineer Murtala Zauro.

Ahmad N. Argungu could be reached through: [email protected]