Sheikh Ja’afar Adam: Same emotions 9 years after

“The best among mankind is he who brings benefit to others.” –The Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (SAW)   It is now nine years since the brutal killing of Sheikh Ja’afar Mahmud Adam, the Kano-based erudite Islamic scholar of international repute. He fell to assassin’s bullet in the early hours of Friday April 13, 2007 while […]

Sheikh Ja’afar Adam: Same emotions 9 years after
Sheikh Ja’afar Adam: Same emotions 9 years after

“The best among mankind is he who brings benefit to others.”The Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (SAW)
It is now nine years since the brutal killing of Sheikh Ja’afar Mahmud Adam, the Kano-based erudite Islamic scholar of international repute. He fell to assassin’s bullet in the early hours of Friday April 13, 2007 while leading the early morning (subhi) prayers at the Dorayi Juma’at Mosque in Kano.
Though every soul must die, the demise of such a fearless scholar was felt (and shall continue to be felt by many) for several reasons. Those of us who listened to his Tafseer for 13 years will continue to remember him for the impact he made on our lives. He was remarkable in several respects. He was intelligent, friendly, good mannered, humane, forthright, gentle, understanding, amiable, humble, a consummate scholar, a cautious optimist, a believer and a fearless vanguard of Islam and the masses.
Even in death, Sheikh Adam remains a wonderful companion. His works played on various broadcast media are wonderful means of immortalising him. He was trustworthy, just as he played credible opposition to all government (at all levels) policies. His sincerity, frankness and fearlessness in telling those in position of power the truth made him far above his contemporaries. Sheikh Adam was a detribalised scholar; he never reduced himself to ethnic or tribal sentiments. He also committed his entire life to the propagation of Islam within and outside Nigeria.
Sheikh Adam was indeed the personification of humanity, honesty and sincerity of purpose. His life, brief as it turned out to be, benefited many Muslims both within and outside Nigeria. He taught many Islamic books, which include the Riyadus-salihin in Kano and other parts of the country. He also conducted Ramadan Tafseer (Qur’an commentary) at the famous Indimi Islamic Mosque on Damboa Road in Maiduguri for 13 years. The famous Indimi Mosque was always filled to capacity as early as 2:00 pm, that is two hours prior to the commencement of the Tafseer. People closed their places of business from far and near to attend his preaching sessions which was full of wisdom. He had delivered Islamic lectures on diverse topics in Maiduguri for more than a decade.
It was the late sheikh who introduced the visitation of the prison by the ummah during the Holy month of Ramadan in Maiduguri. He led the Muslim ummah to deliver lectures and donated clothes and foodstuffs to the inmates and advised them to be law-abiding and change for better after their term and consider their sojourn as a matter so decreed. The visits to the prison, especially during Ramadan, have since become an annual event.
Listening to Sheikh Adam, this writer often asked himself whether he obtained higher academic qualification in political science or international relations. This is because of how he analysed both national and international issues in an articulate manner as they unfolded.
Born on February 12, 1960 in Daura, Katsina State, Sheikh Adam started his education at home from his teacher Malam Haruna. He was taken to Fagge in Kano in 1978 for memorisation of the Holy Qur’an. He was also at the Egyptian Cultural Centre, Kano in 1981. He was also at Government Teachers’ College, Gwale between 1984 and 1988. Later he secured admission into the prestigious Islamic University in Madina in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for his first degree which he graduated with flying colours in 1993. He was also at the Sudan’s International University of Africa for his second degree.
Sheikh Adam at many times represented Nigeria in International Qur’anic recitation competitions where he made the country proud. During his lifetime, he was often (but of course wrongly) described as controversial or confrontational. On the contrary, Sheikh Ja’afar was one of the most peaceful scholars Nigeria ever had. He valued all types of education and always urged the ummah, especially the youths to further their education. Sheikh Adam told nothing but the truth to whoever was involved. It is the saying of the Holy Prophet SAW that “Tell the truth even if it be unpleasant.” And Sheikh Adam, like any other Muslim, who held the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in high esteem wouldn’t and didn’t hesitate in this regard.
Even as I write this piece nine years after the sad event, I never fail to wonder why anyone or group of people for whatever reason would assassinate such a scholar and a gentleman of tremendous goodwill and immeasurable contribution to Islam and humanity; someone who committed the whole of the Holy Qur’an to memory and dedicated his life to the propagation of Islam (peace).
The loss of Sheikh Adam is sad. He left (or rather he was made to leave) when we needed him most – at a time of moral degeneration even among leaders, when some clamour for total abstinence from Western education. Those who assassinated Sheikh Adam should know that they may have killed the man but not the light he represented and they will never get away with it Insha Allah if not now (i.e. by bringing them to book by the constituted authorities concern), certainly they’ll be brought to justice on the day of judgment when position, order from the above, status and wealth will be of no avail. Alhamdu lillah, the sheikh died a martyr.
Ibrahim, a political analyst, lives at Lawan Bukar Junction, Maiduguri, Borno State. He can be reached via:  [email protected]