Shekau delivers sermon in new video

Shekau in the video appears in clothes typically worn by Imams (clerics that lead Muslims during prayers) unlike in previous videos where he appeared wearing battle wears.He is shown in a mosque in a light blue gown (babbar Riga) with a garb (Alkyabba on top) a cap (popularly known as Zanna Bukar) which is half […]

Shekau delivers sermon in new video
Shekau delivers sermon in new video

Shekau in the video appears in clothes typically worn by Imams (clerics that lead Muslims during prayers) unlike in previous videos where he appeared wearing battle wears.
He is shown in a mosque in a light blue gown (babbar Riga) with a garb (Alkyabba on top) a cap (popularly known as Zanna Bukar) which is half covered with a turban.
In the sermon, apparently referring to Gwoza town in Borno State, Shekau speaks for about 20 minutes in Arabic in the 44 minute-video where he emphasises his “firm authority” over what he calls the “Islamic caliphate” and reiterates that there is no ceasefire agreement with the Nigerian government.
Shekau also pays allegiance to jihadists in other parts of the world, stressing that his caliphate has come to stay.
He said: “To all Muslims and all devout Mujahideen, my esteemed brethren, Allah has bestowed on us  Islamic victory, and we pray to Allah to give us the opportunity to fight infidels on the face of the earth. We fight and kill whoever opposes what the prophet brought.  My brethren in Islam, we are living in Islamic Caliphate. We send our greetings to our brethren living in the Islamic caliphates-the caliphates in Iraq and Syria.
“My brethren in Islam, wherever you may be, in Afghanistan, in Pakistan, in Azerbaijan, in Shishan, in blessed Yemen, in Somalia – to everyone living in Islamic caliphates, we convey our greetings at this moment. Look at this Nigeria, liars. Look at these tyrants. They are sabotaging Islam. We have indeed established an Islamic Caliphate.  This is an amazing thing. Victory from Allah!
“We don’t call ourselves Boko Haram. We are Jama’atu Ahlissunnah Lidda’awati Wal Jihad.
“If Allah decides I die today, by Allah I will die.” After the first part if the sermon, worshippers are shown outside, chanting Allahu Akbar. His fighters are later shown celebrating with armoured personnel vehicles.