Shopping for the holiday season

Christmas season, also known as holiday or Yuletide, can be a stressful and hectic time, especially when it comes to shopping. It can be difficult to find the time to shop for the perfect gift for everyone or buy items you need to make the holiday season fun. People have to contend with high cost […]

Shopping for the holiday season

Christmas season, also known as holiday or Yuletide, can be a stressful and hectic time, especially when it comes to shopping. It can be difficult to find the time to shop for the perfect gift for everyone or buy items you need to make the holiday season fun. People have to contend with high cost of products and services year in and out as the holiday season sets in.

Now that the Christmas festive season is around the corner, lots of preparation especially in the area of finance goes on in the family on a daily basis.

But how do we handle shopping this season and not be stressed in the process? states that developing a budget-friendly routine that works for many years will help us enjoy the holidays.

“It is important to plan, budget, and make lists. Then, you can split your shopping and saving over the holiday and following months. Adjust your shopping schedule according to your preferences, and squeeze it until you find the perfect mix of online and in-store shopping. Learn how to shop for the holidays,” it says.

An online platform, also gives these steps for easy shopping during the holidays

Create a Shopping Plan and How to Pay For It

Start with a list of who you need to shop for. Then you can calculate how much you will spend on each person and how much you will need to allow for gifts total.

Once you have a list, you can also plan where and when you are going to buy the gifts, making it easier to seek out the lowest prices and any potential deals. Review bargain and sale sites to search for gifts first.


Take Advantage of promo

One of the most effective ways to save money on Christmas shopping is to take advantage of major promo sale days like “Black Fridays”, which takes place from November in most places. It will help you get lot of items especially the non-perishable products for use during the season.

Consider Bulk Options

Not every gift will fit into this category, but if you have the option to do a bulk purchase, it will almost certainly save you money. Try assembling gift baskets for friends or neighbours.

Create a budget for your holiday shopping – Whether the holidays create a stressful financial situation, quantifying the amount you plan to spend on presents will give you a structure to your shopping. The following are some ways you can create a budget: Think back to holiday shopping seasons over the past five years. Choose a year where you spent a reasonable amount and still bought presents for everyone on your least.

Know who you are buying gifts for – Some people only shop for close family and friends. Other people put together Christmas presents for co-workers, the postal worker, hairdresser, plumber, children’s teacher, and more. Decide on what you are comfortable with.

Know what you’re having for your holiday meal ahead of time – This will allow you to start buying the foodstuffs and drinks that are on sale. Perishables should be purchased few days to the celebration day for freshness and quality nutrition.