Should genotype be a deciding factor in choice of partner?

Follow @bamasvictoria A few years ago at a coursemate’s wedding, another course mate of mine who was also part of the bridal train was not all-smiles-and-bubbly as one would expect from a bridal party. I later found out she had broke -up with her boyfriend and the reason was that in carrying out the mandated […]

Should genotype be a deciding factor in choice of partner?

Should genotype be a deciding factor in choice of partner?

A few years ago at a coursemate’s wedding, another course mate of mine who was also part of the bridal train was not all-smiles-and-bubbly as one would expect from a bridal party. I later found out she had broke -up with her boyfriend and the reason was that in carrying out the mandated tests required by her church, they found out that they were both both AS, as such they had to call-off a perfectly healthy relationship.

Love conquers and love knows no bound, but which love should supersede, the love for your spouse or the love for your unborn child?

Another friend told me of how his“AS” brother married the love of his life who is also “AS” a few years later with several children, he said his brother’s wife had to quit her job to provide care for two of their “SS” children who are constantly in the hospital.

He added that all his brother’s income goes into paying one medical bill or the other. Love knows no bound, love conquers all, they say love is which love should conquer, love for your unborn child or love for your spouse, this begs the question should genotype decide your choice in a spouse?

Elijah Mopa Anika, a young father, told LIFEXTRA that “Yes”, it should. He explained that “If our genotype is not compatible, the greatest love we can give to each other is to live our lives apart except we’re planning not to have children.”

A student union leader, Aliyu Ismaïl, concurs with Anika, he said “before making ourselves love of our lives, we must have known the genotype”, he added that he can’t afford to have kids that won’t be “in a not too good place health wise” as such “we all need know our status before lovie-lovie enters”.

In a contrary opinion, Stupendous Victor, a graduate from The Federal Polytechnic Bida, said spouse love should supersede. He said “regardless of what importance you might attach to having children, it will always be second to the quality of your chosen spouse”.

He explained that there is a need to start “prioritising true companionship, true love over the desire to procreate, by so doing, we enrich the quality of our lives”. He concludes tha tgenotype doesn’t matter as “Adoption is a useful option”.

Faith Odion, a young mother, feels that genotype should affect choice she said “Ignorance is not an excuse. I know God does miracles but if your faith” is not strong enough, one shouldn’t attempt it.

The author of ‘The Farmers Daughter’ Awodiya Funke said, genotype should only be a deciding factor if you are planning on having biological children, “Nigerians still frown at adoption.Personally, I will say ‘No’ except we both agree to go the adoption route”.

Ààre Vincent Olúsolá Arógbòdó A father of two said “Yes! If I am AS, I can never marry another AS or SS no matter how deep and divine my love for her maybe. If our children are truly the future, their well-being and health should be paramount to us. What is the essence marriage when the fruits therein would notbe sound?”

A fashion designer, Akerele Tosi nRonke Adu, feels that Genotype “love fades away when the problem that arises from wrong genotype match comes in” as such it matters a lot “because a meaningful life can be wasted if parents of”AS” gives birth”.

Agreeing with Akerele, A mass communication graduate Kenechukwu Nnamoko said incompatible genotype is “a potential love killer, love should getbetter with age” as the problems that can arise from it can “crumble whateverlove was growing”.

Speaking on being logical in love, Stephen Olalekan Awoseyin, says Love is not blind as such we shouldn’t be daft in falling in love.He added that “The greatest riskon earth is to marry someone with a genotype you know will give you, your children and your generation a problem that has no remedy.

What will it profit someone who is AS to marry another AS? Or AS to marry SS? Undoubtedly, the profit is an unimaginable calamity.”