Should IQ be considered as a factor for marriage?

Compatibility is one of the major issues that intending couples talk about during courtship; the reason being that peace and harmony would abound in the home when they eventually get married and there would be less quarrels and misunderstandings. One major compatibility issue they tend to overlook is the issue of intelligence level of both […]

Should IQ be considered as a factor for marriage?

Should IQ be considered as a factor for marriage?

Compatibility is one of the major issues that intending couples talk about during courtship; the reason being that peace and harmony would abound in the home when they eventually get married and there would be less quarrels and misunderstandings.

One major compatibility issue they tend to overlook is the issue of intelligence level of both partners. Some may feel that there is no reason to consider that as long as they love each other while others may argue that it is very important.

This leads to the question: “What is Intelligence Quotient (IQ)?”, “Should it be a factor when contemplating marriage?”

This trending topic led LifeXtra to the streets to seek for opinions as to what people thought about it. As usual we got very interesting responses.

Collins dictionary defines Intelligence quotient (IQ) as “a measure of the intelligence of an individual derived from results obtained from specially designed tests.” In other words, it is the level of intelligence of an individual, irrespective of his/her age.

Chidi C. Chilaka, who resides in Owerri, said “As a man, I’d say yes. Research has shown that children get their intelligence from their mothers. Be that as it may, to effectively run the home properly, husband and wife are captains and co-pilots respectively and we all know what the co-pilot does. Two good heads, they say, are better than one.”

Concurring with Chilaka, Mark Anthony Osuchukwu, a writer, answered in the affirmative.

When LifeXtra wanted to know why, he responded thus “Because bringing in children who are intellectually challenged or impaired into the world is never good news for progress or the prospects of a better world.”

Ayo Solanke, an online marketer, reiterated that through research, it has shown that a child’s IQ is highly correlated with the parents’ IQ “and since mothers are more involved in their children’s education, IQ has to be a determining factor.”

Ààre Vincent Olúsolá Arógbòdó, who is married with kids, said “Yes. IQ should be an important criterion in spouse selection.”

He explained that “If children are the products of marriage, ingredients that will make up that product must be strategically selected. If you marry a woman or a man with low IQ, you should expect such trait also in your children.”

As such, Vincent said “if you desire a sound and intelligent child make sure you choose a partner that is sound and intelligent too.”

A Jos resident, Dadson Ibrahim, said that IQ is important. He said “If we intend to get smart homes, families and a good society in Nigeria, then this is one important discussion that should not be overlooked when contemplating marriage.”