Should Nigerian presidents, governors get a single 6-year term?

Obochi Samuel, 35, Public Servant, Kaduna It has been on the front burner. It is a good idea as the issue of seeking for a second tenure which normally affects the performance of incumbent president or governor will be properly checked and resolved.   Habibat Umar, 27, Job Seeker, Lafia   If a particular government […]

Should Nigerian presidents, governors get a single 6-year term?

Obochi Samuel, 35, Public Servant, Kaduna

It has been on the front burner. It is a good idea as the issue of seeking for a second tenure which normally affects the performance of incumbent president or governor will be properly checked and resolved.
Habibat Umar, 27, Job Seeker, Lafia

If a particular government can fail in its duty within a stipulated period of four yours, adding extra years is like giving them the go-ahead to destroy the country. Some will still get another four years, yet there will be nothing to show for it.  So the reelection seeking period helps the masses to vote them out which the single tenure of six years does not provide.
Habibat Ademu, 28, Youth Corps Member, Osun State
A six-year single tenure is undemocratic because it denies the masses and the elected officials freedom of choice. An official after his first tenure may intend to seek reelection and the masses may want such a governor or president to stay for the second tenure. Those the electorate do not want, they vote out, an opportunity which a six-year single tenure does not offer.
Ajayi Damilola Tosin, 28, Economist, Owo, Ondo
A six-year single term will promote corruption. It will be an avenue for the so-called leaders to milk Nigeria dry whenever they are opportune knowing that there is no return to office.
I wish they would reduce the tenure to two years, and there should be no limitation as to number of time one can contest.
Adekunle Peace Omeiza, 24, Student, Kogi State
It is a ‘yes’ for me. It will help leaders to formulate policies that last longer than four years and put an end to the issue of project abandonment by past administrations. A single tenure will sustain our democracy where after six years, you are leaving the office.
Arogbonlo Idowu Israel, 24, Journalist, Lagos
A six-year term should be based on clear policy-oriented goals and not necessarily factoring on surface project commissioning as it is being practiced over time. Our government must be made to understand what it means to represent the masses in their respective offices and not just being there for their ill-gotten desires. If they can offer the best for the masses and democracy, it is welcome.
Ahmed Bukar, 27, Lecturer, Sokoto

I am totally against the single six-year tenure. It would only give room for corrupt politicians to loot the government. It will be best described as ‘loot and go’ since they have no intent of seeking reelection.
Ajayi Samuel, 24, Journalist, Kaduna

I think the present system of four years of two terms is okay. It enables the electorates decide on who governs them from time to time. A government may misbehave knowing that there is no second term but anybody seeking reelection will perform better.
Mercy Paul, 26, Media Consultant, Lokoja
Four years is very much okay for any reasonable government to carry out their plans for the nation. The six-year single tenure will only give room for laziness because the politicians will feel that there is enough time for them.