Should parents give their children consent to marry older spouses?

A 23-year-old man in Kano is planning to marry a 46-year-old woman from California, and his parents have given their consent. This has provoked mixed feelings from different people in the country. Daily Trust asked a few Nigerians what they think about parents consenting to their children marrying older spouses. Diepreye Batubo, 26, Civil Servant, […]

Should parents give their children consent to marry older spouses?

Alice Ande Amang, 52, Nurse, Mahuta GRA, Kaduna

A 23-year-old man in Kano is planning to marry a 46-year-old woman from California, and his parents have given their consent. This has provoked mixed feelings from different people in the country. Daily Trust asked a few Nigerians what they think about parents consenting to their children marrying older spouses.

Diepreye Batubo, 26, Civil Servant, Port Harcourt

Everything depends on love. If the couple loves each other, I don’t see anything bad in a young man marrying an older person. Love is the key thing. If they are in love and have decided to live together, there is nothing one can do about it. For me, love is the most important thing in every relationship.

Mrs Joy Victor, 48, Teacher, Port Harcourt

A 23-year-old guy marrying an older woman to me is not a good matching. I don’t know what propelled such relationship. What are the motivating factors? Is it money or material things? How can a boy of such age go into such relationship? I am not in support of it. That boy might turn out to be a sex slave or something worse. I am not in support of such relationship.

Joshua Bawason, 44, Politician, Sabon Tasha, Kaduna

As a father, I will discourage that wedding because the wife is ahead of him in terms of age and even in terms of life experience, she is more experienced than him so they may not relate well as husband and wife.

Olasunbo Adabonyan, Banker, Ibadan

As a mother, I think it is not good enough for a 23-year-old to marry somebody old enough to give birth to him. I think it is morally and culturally wrong. This is Africa where we have a meaningful culture. It may not be wrong to the white people but as a Yoruba woman and Christian, it is wrong. Some people may argue that love is blind, yes it is blind but not to that level. Both the Holy Bible and Holy Quran gave man his position as head of the family. Do you think a young man who just left secondary school will have the experience, knowledge and wisdom to lead a woman of 46? Even if she gives birth, do you think the white woman will allow him to have control over the kids? I understand the boy took the decision so he could travel to the US obviously because of the terrible situation of Nigeria, but mark my words, if care is not taken, he may end up regretting it. To me, it is absolutely wrong.

Alice Ande Amang, 52, Nurse, Mahuta GRA, Kaduna

I will allow them because everything is based on choice and I believe everything that happens is ordained by God. When we pray, God grants us what we want, especially the parents who pray for what is good for their children. Age doesn’t matter. I will encourage my children to do such if it is their choice because I do not know where God has connected that woman and where he is going to.

Joshua Bawason, 44, Politician, Sabon Tasha, Kaduna

As a father, I will discourage that wedding because the wife is ahead of him in terms of age and even in terms of life experience, she is more experienced than him so they may not relate well as husband and wife.