Should SARS be banned?

Muhammad Isyaku, 32, Fish Seller Whoever is calling for the disbandment of SARS does not know the extent of crimes in our communities. For me, I know what they did to liberate us from the grip of Sara-Suka. Before they intervened, people don’t stay outside for a long time because they may be attacked. In […]

Should SARS be banned?

Muhammad Isyaku, 32, Fish Seller

Whoever is calling for the disbandment of SARS does not know the extent of crimes in our communities. For me, I know what they did to liberate us from the grip of Sara-Suka. Before they intervened, people don’t stay outside for a long time because they may be attacked. In fact, even in our houses, we were not safe. People were being attacked in their houses. So, the issue of disbandment of SARS does not even arise. Why should it be in the first place? I wonder why the call should arise. Please people should forget about this call and let SARS be.
Samuel Eke, 33, Fashion Designer
To be sincere, if things should work well, I wouldn’t want SARS to be banned. They have a job to do in the country but unfortunately they are unable to handle it. They should be re-oriented. Because one or two persons are corrupt is no reason for their activities to be banned. With the right people things will be done properly. 
Abubakar Ahmed, 27, Civil Servant
I am not in support of the disbandment or scrapping of SARS. I am in full support of their operation. Their scrapping or disbandment, especially at this time will be disastrous because the country is being faced with multiple challenges which needs special outfits like SARS. 2019 is fast approaching and we know the challenges during elections. Political crimes will soon rise because of political rivalries and desire to occupy political offices. We don’t need to be hysterical when some few elements in an organisation commit crimes or operate outside the law. We should always look at the organisation and what good they had been doing overtime. Mistakes or actions of some few elements must not be allowed to becloud our sense of judgement.
Prince Addison, 34, Businessman
If SARS is banned without an alternative squad to match the level of criminality, what will be the result? SARS is already corrupt, no doubt. They should not be allowed to thrive considering the magnitude of their atrocities. They even go to people’s houses to arrest them for alleged crimes and loot properties. Instead of taking you to court they conclude you are a criminal. In Rivers State the activities of SARs is appalling. Last December SARS, led by their leader hijacked ballot boxes. People were shot by SARS in order to deliver an unpopular candidate in Ogoni land.   
Joshua Sheyin
No. The SARS are trying their best on the highways to stop criminals. I am not aware they have been accused of certain crimes themselves. 
Salisu Bala Halliru, 35, Journalist
I am in support of the disbandment of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) and other federal highway teams because they are now posing danger to Nigerians. These outfits belong to the police but they have become a nuisance by sometimes working outside their operations guidelines, so they have almost outlived their usefulness.
I had a very nasty encounter with the Federal Highway patrol sometime on Ningi-Kano road. We were travelling with my brother when they flagged us down and we stopped. One of them asked us to give them N200 and I told him that we don’t have change. He shouted at us, saying that he will shoot us and nothing will happen. In the end I told my brother to give the N500. You can imagine what would have happened if we had argued with them.
Bizum Yadok, Teacher, 
No, SARS should not be banned. Instead, they should be trained to handle civilians better. Also, SARS should enact strict disciplinary measures for its erring members. Additionally, they should be recruited and made to serve intra-communally.
Abdullahi Yusuf, 45, Barber
I am not in support of the disbandment of SARS. Here in Bauchi we know what they did to reduce criminality, especially the menace of Sara-Suka. We suffered a lot in the hands of Sara-Suka until SARS intervened and faced them fire-for-fire. They are very useful in curbing crimes. Although they might have shortcomings but they have helped a lot in crime prevention. They were established to address the challenge of armed robbery, but crimes now are beyond armed robbery. We now have kidnappings, cattle rustling and other security challenges, especially in the Northeast. So, outfits like SARS should not be scrapped. They should rather be restructured and re-oriented to operate within the law.