Sign up to be a Daily Trust columnist

Daily Trust invites professionals and business experts to write on education and career topics for its membership portal, Youthville+ and Careerville on a part-time basis. Youthville+ and Careerville serve Daily Trust’s network of professionals (early, mid-career and seniors) and students who mingle and share resources on our community portal. Our volunteer columnists get FREE access […]

Sign up to be a Daily Trust columnist

Daily Trust invites professionals and business experts to write on education and career topics for its membership portal, Youthville+ and Careerville on a part-time basis.

Youthville+ and Careerville serve Daily Trust’s network of professionals (early, mid-career and seniors) and students who mingle and share resources on our community portal.

Our volunteer columnists get FREE access to Careerville, networking opportunities with other experts, online and offline forums, access to editors and our reporters, member-only newsletters, member-only events/webinars and special conferences/sessions on career and entrepreneurship.

Eligibility: Expertise and experience in any career or business, writing experience, passion for career development and education issues and availability to write AT LEAST twice a month.

Interested? Please fill out this survey and send your CV to [email protected] with the subject “Columnist”. Our membership associate will get back to you for an interview.