Simple ways to reduce anxiety under lockdown

The coronavirus pandemic has not just threatened the physical health of millions, but also wreaked havoc on the emotional and mental well-being of many people. Feelings of anxiety, helplessness and grief are rising as people face an increasingly uncertain future and nearly everyone has been touched by a loss, physically or financially. Many are asking […]

Simple ways to reduce anxiety under lockdown

The coronavirus pandemic has not just threatened the physical health of millions, but also wreaked havoc on the emotional and mental well-being of many people. Feelings of anxiety, helplessness and grief are rising as people face an increasingly uncertain future and nearly everyone has been touched by a loss, physically or financially. Many are asking if there is anything people can do to cope with the emotional fallout of this confusing and challenging time.

Truncated plans, indefinite isolation, panic over scarce resources and information overload about the current coronavirus pandemic could be a recipe for unchecked anxiety and feelings of isolation. Here are few pointers that could help you survive spiraling negative thoughts about this uncertain time.

 Quell the urge to flee

Depending on the individual, anxiety can present itself almost as a surge of physical energy, and that surge makes you want to ‘do something.’ The “something” a lot of us want to do right now is relocate or get out of the house for a drive. If you have an intense urge to do any of these, take a moment to gather your thoughts. As much as you might want to, you can’t just run away or get out of the house under a lockdown.

Think through the logistics: Where would you go? Are you sure it is safer there? Would you have access to medical care if you need it? Examine it from various angles: By travelling, will you be violating stay-at-home or other public health mandates? Are you a possible vector who could put others at risk?

Consider your personal resources too: Is the expense of relocating affordable? Even if you are already telecommuting, would moving mean risking your job?

Identify your own questions and answer them truthfully. After systematically weighing the pros and cons, you will invariably be more clear-headed.

Reframe from, ‘I am stuck inside’ to ‘I can finally focus on my home and myself’

As negative and standstill as the world may feel right now, think of the mandated work-from-home policy as an opportunity to refocus your attention from the external to the internal. Doing one productive thing per day can lead to a more positive attitude. Set your sights on long-avoided tasks, reorganise, or create something you have always wanted to create. Approaching this time with a mindset of feeling trapped or stuck will only stress you out more. This is your chance to slow down and focus on yourself.

Stay close to your normal routine

Try and maintain some semblance of structure from the pre-quarantine days. For those individuals with children, sticking to a routine might be easier. However, as you work from home, it could be tempting to fall into a more lethargic lifestyle, which could lead to negative thinking. Wake up and go to bed around the same time, eat meals, shower, adapt your exercise regimen, and get out of your PJ’s. Do laundry on Sundays as usual. Not only will sticking to your normal routine keeps you active and less likely to spiral, it will also be easier to readjust to the outside world when it is time to get back to work.

Avoid obsession over endless coronavirus coverage

Freeing up your day from work or social obligations gives you plenty of time to obsess, and if you have a tendency to consult Google for every itch and sneeze, you may be over-researching the pandemic as well. Choosing only certain credible websites is a good start for a limited amount of time each day will be in your best interest during this time.

A chaotic home can lead to a chaotic mind

With all the uncertainties happening outside your home, keep the inside organised, predictable and clean. Setting up mental zones for daily activities can be helpful to organise your day. For example, try not to eat in bed or work on the sofa just as before, eat at the kitchen table and work at your desk. Loosening these boundaries muddles your routine and can make the day feel very long. Additionally, a cluttered home can

cause you to become uneasy and claustrophobic of your environment. So keep it tidy.

Start a new quarantine ritual

With this newfound time, why not do something special during these quarantine days? For example, perhaps you can start a daily journal to jot down thoughts and feelings to reflect on later. Or take a walk every day at 4pm, connect with your sister over FaceTime every morning, or start a water-colour painting, which you can add to every day. Having something special during this time will help you look forward to each new day.

Seek professional help if you need it

People who are vulnerable to anxiety and related disorders might find the coronavirus epidemic particularly overwhelming. Consequently, they might experience anxiety symptoms that interfere with work, maintaining close relationships, socialising or taking care of themselves and others.

If this applies to you, please get professional help from your doctor or a mental health professional.

Although you might feel helpless during this stressful time, following these strategies can help keep anxiety from becoming a problem in its own right and enable you to make it through the epidemic more effectively.

Source- www.