Sincerely, how sincere can you be?

Most people are just plain hypocrites and cannot come face to face with people they term to be friends and tell them whatever they feel be it good or bad; they would rather say good things when such people are around only for them to stab at the back with negative and derogatory statements. Most […]

Sincerely, how sincere can you be?
Sincerely, how sincere can you be?

Most people are just plain hypocrites and cannot come face to face with people they term to be friends and tell them whatever they feel be it good or bad; they would rather say good things when such people are around only for them to stab at the back with negative and derogatory statements. Most people are superficial in their dealings and relationship with people. Hypocrisy manifests in so many ways and most times it shows in people who say something and act differently contradicting whatever they have said and what they stand for. In essence such people preach a certain way of life but in reality do not hold these same virtues themselves.

Having a healthy relationship with hypocrites could be very difficult because whatever you say might be used against you whenever you are not there, as it typical of a hypocrite to tell you something about someone and also tell is someone something about you; all in the process trying to breed a bad relationship between the two of you while the fellow sits on the fence and enjoy the show that he or she has created. Hypocrites always have a feeling of satisfaction whenever they succeeded in their mischief.

According to Dr. Yemisi Yusuf a pshychologist with a private hospital, “one of the main reasons people have double standards is because they desire to have the best of the both lives they are playing, acting differently towards people and being a different person when they are not there. People who commit hypocritical acts normally try to use some form of rationalization to justify their actions.”  

Mrs Betty John also said hypocrisy could be toxic and could very dangerous if not curtailed. “Everyone is fully aware that being hypocritical is wrong and of no benefit to ourselves and those around us, but there are times when it is difficult to understand knowing fully well that something is morally wrong with our actions but we go ahead to do it because we feel convenient about it and it also makes us feel good at the end,” Mrs. John said.

Hypocrisy is one habit we have to desist from indulging in as even the holy books differently and collectively rally against it. As a businesswoman, Hajiya Hajara Audu rightly put it “my religion has condemned hypocrisy from the very beginning, I would not say that I was perfect or that I am perfect now but I must confess that I had that terrible behaviour of being hypocritical and it cost me a lot in life and am willing to advice anybody on the dangers of being hypocritical. Even the Holy bible stated that one should first remove the log out of one’s eye, then you will see clearly to take the speck out of someone else’s eye”

Among us there are people who are hypocritical by blowing their own trumpet whenever they have done something beneficial to others. They have forgotten that there is a saying that whatever your right hand does, your left hand should not know about it but they announce it deliberately to slight the person who they have granted that favour.  Hypocrites love to do things in the open for people to see and notice them are only acting to cover all those things they do not have.

The dictionary defines a hypocrite as someone who “pretends to be better than he really is or to be pious, virtuous without really being so.” A hypocrite is someone who says one thing and does the opposite. The signs of a hypocrite are three, whenever he speaks he lies, whenever he promises he fails and whenever he is entrusted with something he betrays the trust.

 A very simple way to stop being hypocritical is simply to stop being one. All you need is to have the will power to overcome such negative traits to be a better person to your friends and people around you.