Six steps to eradicate “Boko Haram”

Boko Haram presents the Best Opportunity For Reform And Unity In Nigeria. From my writer’s perch here, all I can see are fantastic opportunities presented by this.  Boko Haram is a metaphor for our times.  It best captures the moment.  The helplessness of government reveals the hopelessness of the governmental structure that we run.  The […]

Six steps to eradicate “Boko Haram”
Six steps to eradicate “Boko Haram”

Boko Haram presents the Best Opportunity For Reform And Unity In Nigeria. From my writer’s perch here, all I can see are fantastic opportunities presented by this.  Boko Haram is a metaphor for our times.  It best captures the moment.  The helplessness of government reveals the hopelessness of the governmental structure that we run.  The approach of government so far, reveals that what we have is a marauding group of fraudulent “politrickians” who see the plight of the public as opportunities to make more money.  An honest, analysis of the problem reveals that those we have given the responsibility of protecting us as a people, have since sold us out to foreign interests.  The infiltration of an erstwhile benign group of worshippers who didn’t believe in western education – the original Boko Haram – reveals the porousness of our borders.  In The Final Analysis, Boko Haram Is A Call To Unite, Reduce The Unwieldy And Unnecessary Influence Of Religion In Our Affairs, Focus On What Matters, And Get Rid Of Useless Governments And A Wastefully Large Governmental Structure, Called ‘Democracy’, But Which Is Eating Us All Alive!

Thankfully, Daily Trust was the ONLY newspaper that published the article from Gordon Duff, the Senior Editor at the US-based Veterans Today, titled “Nigeria – Targetted for Destruction”, which claimed in no uncertain terms that the USA and one other country are hell-bent on destroying Nigeria to get its resources.  Our friends at the Lagos axis – ThisDay, Vanguard, Punch, Tribune and the rest – will conveniently ignore such an article and dismiss it as conspiracy theory.  I Have Come To Believe In Every So-Called Conspiracy Theory.  There Is No Smoke Without Fire.  It is obvious where those so-called award-winning and ‘best’ journalists stand.  For a while now, I have laughed at some of the things they write, feigning ignorance of the very problem they created.  They are sellouts all! Many are active agents of foreign intelligence, the very ones revealed by Julian Assange’s wikileaks expose, which Nigerians have conveniently forgotten.  This may be another opportunity for people to stop believing all they see on TV and read in newspapers.  Let us go back and read proper books and find out our real history.  See this link for Godron’s article;

The rhetoric of the past few days have been more than predictable – Break Up Nigeria!! has been the cry that has rented the stratosphere.  Even some foreigners have joined in the cry and incited anger amongst our people.  The government has said nothing!  My best argument against such cries is for us to go and know our history, and we will find out that WE ARE ONE, united by the past and present traumas that we are suffering in the hands of foreigners, united by the challenges that we face for the future.  We Nigerians do not know the sheer ENORMITY of the responsibilities that we carry for humanity.  Jerry Rawlings reminded us that we were the most assertive people on the continent just last year.  We can see EUROPE struggling so hard to keep its unity, despite speaking totally different languages and worshipping God in different manners.

The historical antagonism between Anglicanism and Catholicism, between Italy and Republic of Ireland on one hand, and the UK on the other, is more than we could ever have between Islam and Christianity here.  Still they unite, while their member nations try to keep poor Africa in a state of permanent fluidity and disunity.  For they know that we would remain hopeless when disunited.  How Dare Nigerians Suggest Breaking Up, When It Would Signal The Very Demise And Extinction Of The Black Race!!! We Can Suggest Anything We Want, But We Do Not Have A Right To Trigger Extinction Of A Once-Proud Race On The Excuse Of Cheap Myopia, Ethnicity, Stupidity And Bigotry!

So the six steps.  One, the people must UNITE and fight the scourge THEMSELVES.  Government may be awarding useless contracts and installing CCTV, but the fight is ours and Our Country And Our Lives Are Ours To Save.  The people must form vigilantes and try to freeze out and isolate the terrorist elements.  The activities of foreigners – especially those posing as sympathizers, must be monitored carefully and intelligently, without being xenophobic.  Two, government must take the BOLD step NOW and propose a restructure of governance and the economy.  As was happening in North Africa – before roguish western countries hijacked the whole thing – this is the time to propose changes. We Cannot Keep Running A Hopelessly Wasteful And Large Government Of Free-Loaders! I suggest that for a start, most of the Ministers be asked to go, and Ministers be appointed among Senators/Reps while others be sent to permanently monitor projects in their constituencies. They should meet say twice a month only! Everything must be done to cut down government expenditure, not merely proposing policies that will make life hell for poor citizens! It is the time for work, not ceremonies!

Three.  We The People, Must Form Intellectual Vanguards to promote unity and understanding among Nigerians. Most of our problems today do not have short-term solutions, but we must embark on the right path.  This intellectual vanguard will be charged with Proliferating The Space With Positive Rhetoric, by encouraging everyone around them to show understanding and love and respect to others.  Only A Total Idiot Will Believe That Muslims Want To Kill Christians In Nigeria Because The President Is Christian! This is exactly how those who want to destroy Nigeria want us to feel.  We have a responsibility to make it difficult for them to achieve their aim so easily.  Four.  We must reduce the unwieldy influence of religion in our society.  We must channel the energy of our youth towards science and technology and real learning.  Even in our churches, the rhetoric has become combatant and scary (BLOOD MUST FLOW, POINT AND KILL etc).  That cannot continue.

Five.  Our government must find a way to be sincere, or stand down.  Yes I mean that if it realizes it cannot purge itself of subversive elements, the Goodluck administration may have to resign and leave.  The challenges of our time require a wartime president, of immense intelligence and flawless communication abilities.  We need a government that will help communicate our great history and our great future, not one which exacerbates our situation by blurting our uncooked thoughts and clichés.  It is apt to note that under this government, all that we held holy has been defiled.  It started with MEND’s bombing of our Golden Anniversary!  That was a most profound statement.  Since then, Christmas, New Year, Sallah have become days for gnashing teeth, and the Police and United Nations HQ in Nigeria were devastated.  The omens were there.  Sixth, and this is spiritual.  Do what you want, but rebury Umar Musa Yar’adua properly as a great ex-President, who died for this country.  His gentle spirit is not one that can be offended without consequences.  Same goes for Murtala Muhammed.  It Is The Time To Recognise Our True Heroes, Not Sycophants, Foreign Agents And Marauders In The Circle Of Influence.  History Will Be Rewritten In Nigeria! I wish all readers a Responsible New Year 2012.  It will be tough, but rewarding…

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