Six ways to protect your car during rainy season

The rainy period is the season of the year when fun times are limited. In some parts of Nigeria, the precipitation of rain in the sky is always high and this wet season usually occurs between June and September every year. In some parts of Nigeria, flooding is a major hazard suffered during the rainy […]

Six ways to protect your car during rainy season

A flooded road

The rainy period is the season of the year when fun times are limited. In some parts of Nigeria, the precipitation of rain in the sky is always high and this wet season usually occurs between June and September every year.

In some parts of Nigeria, flooding is a major hazard suffered during the rainy season, which is caused by heavy downpours of rain with inadequate and poorly maintained drainage systems.

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This is the reason why one needs to be careful when going out during rainy seasons, especially when driving. Daily Trust provides tips for car maintenance in the rainy season.

Weather Forecast

A weather forecast is a prediction that helps to tell how the weather condition of a certain day will be. This is done by forecasters and involves using tools like satellites, radar, and surface maps.
Several media houses have used weather forecasts to inform viewers and listeners how rainy or sunny a day will be. It is advisable to be familiar with weather forecasts in order not to end up in flooded places with your vehicle.

Car Covers or Garage

When you are not leaving the house, always keep your vehicles in garages or use a car cover to prevent rain waters from drying on your car.
It is advisable not to rely on rainwaters in washing your cars because rainwaters can even cause more damage. Continuous exposure to rainfall may cause damage to your car due to the acidity of rainwater. Also, if a car cover is unavailable, you must wash the car with clean water after a rainfall.

Protect Car Engines

During cases of flood in rainy seasons, always protect your car components like the exhaust pipe and engines from much water as the water in car engines can destroy it.
When a flood is sighted, always try taking alternative routes, and were not possible, try moving at corners or points where the water levels are at the lowest.

Extra Carpets in cars

Extra carpets also help to keep a car neat and in order, especially in muddy areas. When a person gets into the car, their feet are liable to bring in the dirt, which creates stains; so, it is advisable to bring add extra carpets. It is also better to use rubber carpets instead of rug carpets because the rubber ones are much easier to wash off.

Drive Carefully

In cases where the rain starts while driving, it is always wise to keep a safe distance from the car in front to prevent accidents because, during heavy rainfalls, the windows get blurry, which makes sight a little difficult.
Also, a driver must ensure the wipers on the car are functioning efficiently at all times. Wipers are one major piece of equipment that a car must have during rainy seasons. Worn-out tires must also be replaced.

Silicon sprays

Silicon sprays are lubricants used in protecting car parts. Exposed metal or non-metal parts of the car like rubbers, glasses, and vinyl can easily be damaged due to heavy rain or heat. This is why it is appropriate for a driver to have a silicon lubricant, not just for rainy seasons, but also during much heat.
Heavy rainfalls or heat could damage the glasses of cars and also rust car vinyl.