Skincare tips for rainy season

It has been raining heavily and frequently, and we realise that the weather can have a not-so-great effect on the skin. That is why we have selected a few tips to keep in mind as you run around in this wet weather. Makeup: Avoid heavy foundations or concealers. In this rainy season let your skin […]

Skincare tips for rainy season

It has been raining heavily and frequently, and we realise that the weather can have a not-so-great effect on the skin. That is why we have selected a few tips to keep in mind as you run around in this wet weather.

Makeup: Avoid heavy foundations or concealers. In this rainy season let your skin breathe. Don’t pack it up with makeup products which are oil based. If you need to put on some makeup, then make sure it is water-based. If your makeup is oil- based, avoid using them during the rainy season because they will enlarge and block your pores and prevent your skin from breathing.

 Exfoliating and toning: There really isn’t a time that exfoliation is more necessary than during the rainy season. You need to exfoliate your skin often to get rid of the dead cell. Exfoliating will also help open up your pores and assist your skin to stay moisturised. After exfoliating, you need to remember to use a good toner. This will help balance your skin’s PH after exfoliation.

 Moisturize: Rainy seasons come with high humidity levels. Humidity is great and all, except for the fact that they can dry your skin. To avoid this, use a nourishing moisturizer to help your skin remain soft, supple and healthy. Also, make sure the moisturizer is not oil-based and is light. The rainy season makes your skin oilier than it already is. You need to get rid of all that oiliness.