Sokoto Police arraign SA’s son, 3 others involved in sex video

Police in Sokoto have arraigned the son of a special adviser to Governor Aminu Waziri Tambuwal and three others over alleged criminal conspiracy, rape and defamation of character. Other charges filed against them include act of gross indecency, abetment, sale of obscene book and printing or engraving matter known to be defamatory. Tambuwal orders probe […]

Sokoto Police arraign SA’s son, 3 others involved in sex video

Police in Sokoto have arraigned the son of a special adviser to Governor Aminu Waziri Tambuwal and three others over alleged criminal conspiracy, rape and defamation of character.

Other charges filed against them include act of gross indecency, abetment, sale of obscene book and printing or engraving matter known to be defamatory.

The suspects were Aminu Hayatu Tafida,  Umar Abubakar, Mas’ud Abubakar Gidado and Aliyu Shehu Kangiwa who appeared on the Police  First Information Report (FIR) as 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4rd defendants.

The 5th defendant, Hafiz Ja’afar was still at large.

Arraigning them before the Chief Magistrate Court, the Police Prosecuting Officer, ASP Samuel Sule said one Hajiya Safiya of number 15, Bardon Barade area came to the Criminal Investigation Department, Sokoto and complained against Aminu Hayatu Tafida (AKA Baffa) of Gidan Hakki area.

According to him, the complainant alleged that sometimes in the year 2017, Baffa took her daughter when she was 16 years old, lured her to Phoenix Guest Inn, had unlawful carnal knowledge of her and thereafter recorded her nudity in an 18 seconds video clip.

The mother further alleged that the suspect conspired with Umar Abubakar, Mas’ud Abubakar Gidado and Aliyu Shehu Kangiwa and Hafiz Ja’afar and circulated the nude video on social media which resulted to the termination of her wedding scheduled to take place in October, this year.

The Prosecuting officer noted that their actions contravened sections 60(2), 260, 377, 262, 48, 171, 173 and 379 of the Sokoto State Panel Code.

However, Counsel to the 1st defendant, Barrister A Y Abubakar objected to the charges on ground that there was no specific charge filed against his client.

“The contents of the FIR as it relates to 1st defendant are ambiguous and therefore, incompetent in view of the provision of section 90 of the administration of criminal justice law, 2019 of Sokoto state.

“An objection to incompetent charges can only be raised before the plea is taken. We therefore argue that the FIR, the contents are ambiguous, therefore be rejected by the court,” he said.

Also objecting the charges, the counsel to the 2nd, 3rd and 4rd defendants, Barrister Yahya Y. Gwaza argued that there was no sufficient material of particular linking their clients with any offence as contained in the FIR.

“The FIR must link the defendants by section 90 of the Administration of Criminal Justice law of the state.

“Even from the FIR, the complaint of the complainant is against the 1st defendant alone,” Gwaza argued.

He however, urged the court to release the 2nd defendant on bail because he had been seriously sick while in the police custody.

In his ruling, the Presiding Magistrate, Shu’aibu Ahmad, adjourned the case to next week Monday to enable the police prepare and file their charges properly.

He ordered that the suspects  be remanded in the custody of the Criminal Investigation Department of the police.