Some of the ways consumers can be informed and educated

  The NCC provides forums such as this Consumer Outreach programme to make Consumers aware of their rights, availability of services and their obligations. Other fora provided by NCC, includes the Consumer Parliament and the Consumer Town Hall meetings. We encourage Consumers to attend these events whenever they are brought near you. We also encourage […]

Some of the ways consumers can be informed and educated
Some of the ways consumers can be informed and educated

  The NCC provides forums such as this Consumer Outreach programme to make Consumers aware of their rights, availability of services and their obligations. Other fora provided by NCC, includes the Consumer Parliament and the Consumer Town Hall meetings. We encourage Consumers to attend these events whenever they are brought near you. We also encourage and in fact demand from service providers to emulate the example of the Nigerian Communication Commission. They should provide timely information about their network challenges and give consumers alternative remedy to poor or suspended services through their network services free of charge.

Thus they should utilise their service platforms to send text, emails and even phone calls. They should also maintain and keep up to date their websites. ‘’We should note that consumers are the market, and protection of the Consumers amount to Market Protection. A protected market is a sustainable market which will guarantee sustained revenue for the Operators. Thus they should always strive for the best interest of the Consumers.’