Some of world’s most magnificent mosques

Masjid is holy place for Muslims. Muslims all around the world worship in Holy Place Masjid and pray five times in a day. A mosque is a place of worship for followers of Islam. Muslims often refer to the mosque by its Arabic name. The beauty of a Mosque’s architecture is often breathtaking.  In today’s […]

Some of world’s most magnificent mosques
Some of world’s most magnificent mosques

Masjid is holy place for Muslims. Muslims all around the world worship in Holy Place Masjid and pray five times in a day. A mosque is a place of worship for followers of Islam. Muslims often refer to the mosque by its Arabic name. The beauty of a Mosque’s architecture is often breathtaking.  In today’s Travel and leisure we have selted some of the most beautiful masjid reflecting and representing Islamic Culture around the World.

Mosques are places where the followers of Islam worship. There are many of them around the world, ranging from very large Mosques that can seat 50,000 people to ones so small that they can only hold 10 people at a time. They are known for having amazing domes with crescents on top, tall and slender minarets that are usually situated at the corner of the building structure; amazing Art of Arabic Calligraphy and Quran verses in the Prayer Halls.

The architecture of the Muslim world or Islamic architecture, highly diverse but unified by climate, culture, and a love of geometric and arabesque ornament, as well as by the mobility of ideas, artisans, and architects throughout the region.

Sultan Ahmed Mosque is a historical mosque in Istanbul, the largest city in Turkey. The mosque is one of several mosques known as the Blue Mosque for the blue tiles adorning the walls of its interior.

Masjid al-Haram is the largest and the most magnificent mosque in the world.  Its design depicts the vastness and open mindedness of people of Islamic religion.

The mosque of Dearborne, USA was built by the Islamic community in USA in 1937. This is an architectural masterpiece and the largest mosque in North America.

Facing the scenic Putrajaya Lake, the Putra Mosque is arguably Putrajaya’s most distinctive landmark and one of the most modern mosques in the world.

Sultan Mosque, located at Muscat Street and North Bridge Road in Kampong Glam Rochor District in Singapore is still considered one of the most important mosque in Singapore. Sultan mosque has stayed essentially unchanged since it was built, only with improvements made to the main hall in 1960 and annex added in 1993. It set as a national monument on March 14th 1975.

Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque is the royal mosque for Brunei Sultanate located in Bandar Seri Begawan, capital of the Sultanate of Brunei. The mosque is classified as one of the most spectacular mosques in the Asia Pacific region and become a major attraction for tourists. Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque is considered amongst the people of Brunei as a landmark of their country.

Zahir Mosque, Kedah, Malaysia, the mosque was built in 1912, funded by Tunku Mahmud, son of the Sultan Tajuddin Mukarram Shah. This mosque is the tomb of Kedah warriors who had died while defending Kedah from Siam in 1821. The mosque was founded with five large domes symbolizing the five main principles of Islam.

A visit to any of these mosques will leave you always wanting to go back to savour the beauty and architecture of these magnificent master piece of religious art.

Some masjid’s do not admit non-Muslims into the buildings, but most do allow tourists to enjoy their sacred spaces and beautiful interiors. Visiting is only permitted outside of prayer times. Modest dress is required for both men and women and women must cover their heads. Wraps are provided when deemed necessary by mosque officials. If it often necessary for visitors to remove their shoes at the entrance. Some mosques can be cold in the winter, so consider warm socks! Even outside the designated prayer times, one will usually find a few Muslims performing prayers in the mosque. Be quiet and respectful, and try not to walk in front of them.

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