South West town planners seek regional integration

The document entitled “South-West Strategic Regional Plan – A case for Integrated Development Agenda” was presented to stakeholders.The stakeholders include: community leaders, commissioners of physical planning in the region, captains of industry, permanent secretaries, traditional rulers (obas) and professionals in Lagos.The document encompassed various issues affecting urban and regional planning in the zone, strategies for […]

South West town planners seek regional integration
South West town planners seek regional integration

The document entitled “South-West Strategic Regional Plan – A case for Integrated Development Agenda” was presented to stakeholders.
The stakeholders include: community leaders, commissioners of physical planning in the region, captains of industry, permanent secretaries, traditional rulers (obas) and professionals in Lagos.
The document encompassed various issues affecting urban and regional planning in the zone, strategies for cooperation for repositioning development within the region.
The document examined various development policies and agenda on integration of the region and harped on the need to establish a clear relationship among the existing policies and urban and regional planning; appropriate framework on how urban and regional planning process will strengthen the development agenda; and develop a strategic mechanism for integrating urban and regional planning in the region towards delivering on goals of development agenda.
Town planners’ representatives from Lagos, Ogun, Oyo, Osun, Ondo and Ekiti states attended the meeting.
The document was endorsed by the chairman of South West Forum and the chairman, Nigerian Institute of Town Planners (NITP), Lagos State, Mr Ayo Adediran; chairmen  of NITP from  Ogun, Oyo, Osun, Ondo, Ekiti states, Mr Ranti Osoko, Olatunji,  Niyi Olanipekun, Ademola Adesida and Gregory Ojo respectively.
Director General, Development Agenda for Western Nigerian Commission (DAWNC) Mr Dipo Famakinwa said there is need for regional integration being a region with a common language, boundary, culture, values and religion.
He listed various areas such as education, industry, innovation, regional competiveness, agriculture, culture, trade and commerce, and religion by which  south-western states could integrate for development, saying it is sensible to integrate.
Speaking, Commissioner for Physical Planning and Urban Development in Lagos, Mr Toyin Ayinde stated that if the south west states can achieve regional integration plan to drive development, they will do Nigeria a lot of good.
He recalled that regional integration programme is not new to the region, pointing out that the late Obafemi  Awolowo once came out with integrated rural development in 1978, with a plan to have integrated rail system, regretting that up till now, the region is still grappling with the problem.
The chairman of NITP’s Committee on Strategic Regional Plan, Mr Olubunmi Adeyeye during the presentation of the document stated that plans and policies that will be required for the purpose of integration of the region will be facilitated under the new institutional framework that will include land accessibility and development policy, transport and mobility integration policy; agriculture integration policy, housing, resettlement and migration plan, employment and poverty reduction policy, tourism integration plan, industrial integration plan, trade and commerce integration policy.
Others include education integration policy, security plan, health policy, energy, power and environmental integration plan, extractive resources plan and governance integration policy.