Spend less this Christmas

Four basic steps you could follow to organise yourself are: make a budget, stick to your budget, be creative and avoid celebrating Christmas on credit i.e avoid buying on credit. Before making a budget, you must have planned and done a market survey so that you have an idea of the recent prices of commodities […]

Spend less this Christmas
Spend less this Christmas

Four basic steps you could follow to organise yourself are: make a budget, stick to your budget, be creative and avoid celebrating Christmas on credit i.e avoid buying on credit.

Before making a budget, you must have planned and done a market survey so that you have an idea of the recent prices of commodities and where you can get the best bargain on them. With this you can work realistically with your pocket and know what your limits are.

If you are working on your budget with your family or friends, you all could come together and agree on how much you are spending on particular items and treats.

At a time like this there are so many tempting offers with opportunities to pay half the original cost if you buy up to a certain number. Most times all we need on such items are far less than what the offer gives. What you could do is team up with someone else to buy things like this or simply buy only what you need rather than end up with too much and over spending in the end.

With so many beautiful things on display in the shops it is so very hard to stick with your budget as you may even find some items you need that you did not originally budget for. This happens to me a lot of times too and I sometimes do not manage to stick with my budget. The best thing and most advisable thing to do is, first go on with your original plans fulfilling al those on your list. While doing this try hard at your bargaining skills and see if you can get away with paying less for some of the items than you originally budgeted for. This way you are likely to realise more money which may take care of your new needs.

On the long run you would have stuck with your budget as well as added some more valuables to your cart.

This season is one time that allows you to put your creativity to test. Rather than buy decorations for your home, you could sit together with your family and friends and let them help you think up new decorative ideas to adorn your homes with.

You will without doubt spend less and improve your skills and those of all who have worked with you on the ideas.

Also you could try your hands on some new recipes which will also be fun preparing them. You could cook enough to share with your neighbours and others. You will be amazed, this may be the most precious gift someone may receive this holiday as it would have helped you cut down on catering cost.

A major handicap of many Christmas shoppers is their exceptional ability to buy things on credit. The ‘madam book me’ syndrome is so rampant in this season. So much so that for the first three months of the following year they are struggling with paying debts, paying school fees as well as meeting up other expenses.

One trick which could help you avoid this is to spread your Christmas cost throughout the year. Once this Christmas is ended, start putting a set amount into a savings account every month towards your budget for the following Christmas.

It will be a painless sacrifice which will amount to a lot in the end.