Sports stakeholders agenda for Buhari

As a result, those whose voices in sports are highly respected are taking turns to articulate their positions on what deal sports should get under the incoming government.Most are of the opinion that in as much as sports has remained a potent unifying agent for a heterogeneous Nigeria, the sector is yet to get the […]

Sports stakeholders agenda for Buhari
Sports stakeholders agenda for Buhari

As a result, those whose voices in sports are highly respected are taking turns to articulate their positions on what deal sports should get under the incoming government.
Most are of the opinion that in as much as sports has remained a potent unifying agent for a heterogeneous Nigeria, the sector is yet to get the desired attention from government.
This formidable tool of diplomacy and social integration is said to be desirous of special attention for it to continue to discharge its critical responsibilities.
Thus, most sports administrators who spoke to SHOT! were unanimous that  provision of sports facilities, passage of both the National Sports Commission and Nigeria Football Federation bills as well as eradication of corruption in the sector would go a long way in lifting the key sector.
Although not popular among sports people, the President elect also enjoyed kind words from some of the sports administrators who believe his no nonsense posture will help transform the sports sector.
Dr. Tijani Yusuf, former NFA Secretary General.  
“What we expect from the incoming government is that the National Sports Commission should be put in place by the National Assembly. The Nigeria Football Federation too should be made autonomous.
If NSC is in place it will mark the beginning of sports development in the country. A national sports policy should be put in place and when we speak of grassroots sports development should we mean it.
It is not on paper alone so that the people from the grassroots will benefit. After all, researches have shown that in every 500 people, a star must emerge.  
All our primary schools must have a playground where the children will start learning. If you go to most schools now, there is no field for children to carry out sporting activities. All available spaces are taken over by buildings.
It is because of corruption that everything has been on downward trend. Once the hydra headed monster called corruption is dealt with, everything will take shape. So sports should not be an exception.
I would expect him to allow companies producing sports wears to come and establish in the country. He should make a law that will encourage local companies to set up sports manufacturing companies. This will seriously reduce unemployment and children will be taken off the streets
When you implement the national sports policy especially the one that was put in place in 1959 by Air Commodore Anthony Ikhazobor whereby every local government was asked to develop sports facilities where every evening people go, train and relax.
That is what is meant by grassroots sports development. It is not building big stadiums in the state capitals and in the finals analysis, you cannot even maintain them.
Most of these new stadia in the state capitals are not convertible. All over the world people are building convertible stadia.
Take a look at the national stadium Lagos. Just look at it. It is wasting away. But if every local government builds standard sports facilities, in the next 10 to 15 years, we would be producing world champions”.
Aliyu Kofar Soro, former Director of Sports Katsina State
In order for sports in the country to improve, the incoming government should make sure there are proper and standard sports facilities in all the nooks and corners of the country.
He should appoint technocrats to take charge of the National Sports Commission. I mean those who know sports should be in charge. They should love sports and know what it is all about.
Then grassroots sports development generally should be encouraged. It is from the primary, secondary and tertiary institutions that talents can be identified to be nurtured. To achieve this, there must be cooperation and understanding between Local Government Chairmen and state governors in the area of provision of sports facilities.
Moreover, the government should make sure both the National Sports Commission and NFF bills are passed immediately so that autonomy will be given to the institutions.
This has been hanging there for the past 15 years and nothing is happening. The President is a no nonsense person so I believe he will look into it. The National Assembly should also make it a thing of priority.
I Know that the President elect has passion for sports. GMB is a sports loving man.
Even if he did not mention sports in his campaigns, it does not mean he does not love sports. Nigerians who love sports should calm down and see what Mr. President will do.
Sani Ndanusa, former minister of sports and President, Nigeria Tennis Federation
Basically the government should pay serious attention to sports facilities at the grassroots. We must have community sports centres in each local government of the federations. They are the basic centres where you have football fields, tartan tracks, at least two hockey, basketball or volleyball pitches.
I am not talking about stadiums but community centres with facilities that can be easily accessed by schools and youths in the LGAs.
They should be such that at the weekends even parents that want to exercise can access them and that will enhance community cohesion.
In the end, we would have added value to our youths and community members. Exercise as you know can reduce medical bills.
Furthermore, sports facilities would help reduce recycling of athletes. You can see in a country of over 170million people, you still find a player celebrating over 100 caps, which means he must have played for more than 12 years. It is because the facilities are not there for the youths to develop their talents.
In addition, we should develop youth academies. Sports has gone digital. You cannot do it manually. It is developing rapidly.
Nevertheless, if you want to use sports, it depends on what you want to achieve. Do you want to use sports to project your country? Do you want to use it for health improvement? Do you want it to help in engaging the youths?.  
If you want to project the country, you have to look at high performance in global championships like the All Africa Games, Commonwealth Games and the Olympics. In that case you have to provide high performance centres.
And we should conclude by professionalising the sports institutions so that you have professionals running sports in the country.