Sr Henrietta Alokha, SSH: Demonstrating sacrificial love of Christ

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep (John 10:12) This tribute is very timely, especially as Christendom commemorates Easter (the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ).  The event of Jesus Christ on the cross, in a way was re-enacted how our beloved Sr. Henrietta Alokha, SSH gave […]

Sr Henrietta Alokha, SSH: Demonstrating sacrificial love of Christ

Sr Henrietta Alokha, SSH

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep (John 10:12)

This tribute is very timely, especially as Christendom commemorates Easter (the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ).  The event of Jesus Christ on the cross, in a way was re-enacted how our beloved Sr. Henrietta Alokha, SSH gave her life to save the little ones under her guidance on the Sunday Morning of March 15, 2020 at Abule Ado, Lagos State.  Who was this great woman and heroine of our time?

Sr. Dr. Henrietta Ebosiogwe (meaning the will of God) Alokha, SSH was born in Agenebode in Etsako East Local Government Area of Edo State on May 11, 1967 to Late Chief Vincent Dodah Alokha and Late Mrs. Julianna Alokha.  She was the fourth of the six children born into this devout Catholic family.  Shortly after her birth, she received the Sacrament of Baptism.

She started her primary school education in 1975 at Egbadu Primary School Agenebode but unfortunately lost her mother at the tender age of eight, the same year she started her primary education.  Her mother was a role model to her and her siblings.  She proceeded to St. Peters Grammar School Agenebode for her secondary school education and graduated with an excellent result.  Her father was a renowned head teacher/educationist, who had the rare privilege of working with missionary priests who relied on his educational background and his ability to interact with different elite groups and the local communities to evangelize across Edo North geographical entity and beyond.

Given to this background, no doubt, Sr. Alokha grew up in an environment rooted in discipline, respect and strong Catholic faith.  She was highly intelligent and she enjoyed reciting her catechism to the admiration of the rest of her siblings. Until her death, she was a ‘diary of special family events’ as recounted by her elder brother, Barr. Anselm Alokha, KSM.

Towards the end of her secondary school education at St Peters College Agenebode, she expressed interest in becoming a nun.  Through the spiritual guidance and mentorship of the late Rev. Fr. Cyril Ofoegbu, the then parish priest of Sacred Heart Catholic Church Agenebode, she was admitted into the convent to commence her religious vocation in the Congregation of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (SSH) on November 17, 1983 as a Postulant alongside five others.

Having expressed the desire to continue in the religious life, she was received into the Novitiate on April 13, 1985. On August 23, 1987, Sr. Henrietta Alokha, SSH made her Profession of Temporary Vows at the Sacred Heart Novitiate Chapel, Atani-Uromi, Edo State, with five of her classmates. The incumbent Superior General, Sr. Monica Omowumi Rowland, SSH was among the five. Right after, her profession, Sr. Henrie, as she was fondly called by her Religious Sisters, was assigned to teach at the Brother Pius Nursery/Primary School Akenzua Street, Benin City, for two years.

On June 11, 1989, in the company of her classmate – Sr. Rowland, she left for further studies at Viterbo University in La Crosse, Wisconsin USA where she obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Personnel Management and Psychology on May 16, 1993. Having witnessed her ardent dedication to serve the Lord and commitment to the Charism of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the administration then, granted her request for Perpetual Profession of Vows on November 12, 1995 at St. Benedict Catholic Church Ubiaja, Edo State, Nigeria.  On November 3, 2012, she celebrated her Silver Jubilee with her only surviving classmate in the Congregation – Sr. Monica Omowumi Rowland, SSH.

In 1996, she furthered her studies at the University of Port Harcourt, where she obtained her Post Graduate Diploma in Education.  She continued her academic formation on part time basis in the University of Benin where she later obtained a Masters’ Degree in 2005 and Doctorate Degree in 2016 both in Educational Administration.  Sr. Alokha served in various capacities in Education apostolate as Teacher, Head Teacher, Vice Principal and Principal to eight Catholic Schools, mostly in Edo State.

She displayed exemplary behaviour with an easy-going but firm personality.  She was a great organiser and a successful mediator.  She exhibited selflessness and was never swayed by material things.  She was very simple and humble. She was a role model per excellence because she believed in excellence.  Her slogan is “Anything worth doing is worth doing well”.

She loved children as well as her profession as a teacher. That may explain why she went back to look for the two lost sheep of hers, even after she was already saved in the first instance. After the incidence of March 15 in Lagos, that led to the demise of our great sister, several reports went out about the disaster.

In one of the dailies, the news had it that: “she died after rescuing her students without being able to rescue herself”. And went further to ask: “What kind of love was that?” My response to this question is Sacrificial love which is the spirit and charism of our congregation (The Congregation of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus). The paper answered correctly that it was the love of the gospel, which lays down its life for others. It is the love of the Lord Himself – The Good Shepherd.

Sr. Henrietta was not a mere hireling. She loved and had passion for her students whom she took as her own children. That was why even though she had the opportunity to flee and leave the children under her care, she did not because like the Good Shepherd, she was concerned about them. We must remember that the difference between the Good Shepherd and the hireling is their motivation for tending the sheep. For while the hireling does it for his own benefit, the Good Shepherd does it for the benefit of the sheep. Thus, the Good shepherd stands to fight and protect the sheep against any evil and whereas, the hireling runs away to save his own life.

Sr. Henrietta paid the ultimate prize by giving up her life.  Little wonder comments from her past students abound in the dailies and social media. For instance, one Bissie Adeleye Jagunna wrote: “Sr Henrietta, you exhibited the motherly love for all your children in your care as their custodian. Thank you for not letting their mothers be in sorrow…you laid your life down for their girls; rest on peacefully, may His perpetual light shine on you Sister.”

Another former student, Omono Ebi Dawodu, wrote on FACEBOOK, “Sister Henrietta Alokha, you were a rare gem. You taught me self-confidence…You have always protected your students/children and you proved that again by laying down your life for the students in Bethlehem College in the gas explosion.”  To the glory of God, not a single student died from the explosion. Like a good shepherd (Cf. Jn. 10:12), she laid down her life for her students.

What lesson does our sister’s death have for our world? Especially our beloved country Nigeria? How many leaders out there are ready and willing to pay the ultimate price of sacrificing something for their followers?  Sr. Alokha through her death showed us sacrificial love.  Bethlehem Girls College was made up of students from all ethnic groups in the country. For each of these students, Sister gave her life.  She was an emblem of love, unity and peace.  So, the best way to keep her legacy alive is for all to work for sacrificial love, peace, and unity.

Sister lived a happy and fulfilled religious life. A life of love and dedicated service to God and humanity in the field of education, within her Religious Institute and in the Church in Nigeria. She paid the ultimate price.

Sr. Henrietta Ebosiogwe Alokha, SSH rest on in the bosom of our Lord and Saviour. You will be greatly missed by all who knew you.


Sr. Monica Omowumi Rowland, SSH is the Superior General Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

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