SSDA Prize calls for entries

Short Story Day Africa (SSDA) has opened submission for its 2017 Short Story Day Africa Prize. The winner will receive $800, the runner-up $200 and the second runner-up $100.  Writers are expected to send stories of between 3,000 and 5,000 of previously unpublished piece of short fiction that explores identity, like themes of gender identity […]

SSDA Prize calls for entries

Short Story Day Africa (SSDA) has opened submission for its 2017 Short Story Day Africa Prize. The winner will receive $800, the runner-up $200 and the second runner-up $100. 

Writers are expected to send stories of between 3,000 and 5,000 of previously unpublished piece of short fiction that explores identity, like themes of gender identity and sexuality.

To be eligible, one must be an African living at home or abroad, or anyone with permanent residence in any African country. Submissions should be only stories primarily written in English, although one can incorporate other languages into a story. It can also be submitted under a pseudonym or nom de plume for the SSDA Prize.

The SSDA Prize judges will review submissions anonymously. Therefore, writers are not expected to include name or identifying details anywhere on their manuscripts. However, one may include the original title of story halfway down the cover page and an accurate word count at the top right.

Also, writers are expected to type their document in Times New Roman or similar serif font, 12-point size, double-spaced. Left-justify paragraphs and number the pages. Also, the use of 1 inch or 2-centimeter margins, Indent each new paragraph by about 1/2 inch or 1 centimeter, except for the first line of the story or the first line of a new scene. One is not expected to insert extra lines between paragraphs. 

SSDA will include selected entries in an anthology as selected by the judges. Selected authors will work with editors to get their stories publication ready. 

Deadline is July 31.