Starting shoe making business

Shoes are always in demand anytime of the year hence everybody needs a good pair of shoe, or shoes. This makes it a very lucrative business. Starting a business in the shoe-making industry is one of the most profitable things an entrepreneur can do given the right skill and good business sense. For any woman […]

Starting shoe making business

Shoes are always in demand anytime of the year hence everybody needs a good pair of shoe, or shoes. This makes it a very lucrative business.
Starting a business in the shoe-making industry is one of the most profitable things an entrepreneur can do given the right skill and good business sense.
For any woman willing to start-up a shoe factory business, a few things must be put in place in order to ensure stability and success in the trade.
These include…..
First and foremost get the skill. Sign up for an internship with a cobbler in your area or someone into shoe-making. Depending on how fast you can learn, it takes a minimum of six months to a year to learn the technicalities of shoe making.
Choose which type of shoe you would like to manufacture: Carve a niche for yourself be it formal shoes, sports shoes, or if you have the capacity to manufacture any type of shoes. To do this, you must take in to consideration the availability of raw materials in relation to the capital and skill you possess.
Determine your target market: Determining your target market for your shoe factory will help you concentrate on your business and its success. It gives the focus you need to better grow the business.
Create a business plan for your business: Every profitable business starts with a concrete business plan. This enables an entrepreneur to see every angle of the business and dealing with potential problems effectively. This also adds efficiency and stability to the business. Accordingly, the business plan should include the business site, the machineries and equipment needed in manufacturing shoes, where to buy raw materials, the number of employees and your potential buyers.
The size of the manufacturing site should depend upon the size of the intended operation while reserving a space for possible expansion. The factory must be divided to different segments for different manufacturing stage. Also, the machineries and equipment should be positioned inside the manufacturing site while keeping functionality and convenience in mind. As much as possible, hire employees who already have experience in shoe manufacturing. If this is not possible, reserve a portion of your capital for training employees to ensure the quality of your shoes. Lastly, contact wholesalers and small shoe stores as your initial clients.