Staying Black in White America

So, three young black men had their purchases vetted by the police after shopping at a Nordstromrack outlet in America’s St. Louis. Nordstromrack has apologised for this incident, which is why I am so pissed about the whole issue. Apologise for what? Wasn’t being black in America or anywhere else for that matter a crime? […]

Staying Black in White America

So, three young black men had their purchases vetted by the police after shopping at a Nordstromrack outlet in America’s St. Louis. Nordstromrack has apologised for this incident, which is why I am so pissed about the whole issue. Apologise for what? Wasn’t being black in America or anywhere else for that matter a crime? Why apologise for doing the right thing? When did the Emancipation give full shopping rights to black people, oh friends of Kanye West!   

I am sick and tired of black people refusing to stay on their lane. As I write, Bob Marley’s granddaughter is in another fiasco for renting an AirBnB home. She is black and was not pre-advertised to white neighbours. It took seven (7) cruisers and a hovering helicopter to get to her and two other black friends. All these American ‘incidents’ would have never happened if black people gratefully stayed in their lane. 

It began with Martin Luther King comparing himself with Joseph of the coat of many colours fame. If you are black and have a dream that you have found equality with white people, wake up – it’s a nightmare. After pinching yourself, recite a thousand ashtagafirullah and don’t mention it to anyone or you might get arrested for infringing on someone’s First Amendment.  

Trust the recalcitrant black race, nearly fifty years after Luther King’s nightmare, the miscegenated child of a Kenyan immigrant Barrack Hussein Obama began to see himself as the fulfilment of prophesy. Before you could say Jim Crow, he had hypnotized America, nay the whole world into believing that racial equality is the new cool. Much to the chagrin of Donald Trump and the birther movement, he would go ahead to lead America for eight solid years – like a dream. By the time he was through four years, the black sense of entitlement had been cut short.

The White House, named for effect, became a haunted house by a black family taking residence not as cooks, stewards and guards, but as commander-in-chief of a predominantly white and incredibly powerful army. White America had to wake up from the nightmare? 

Obama and Michele survived eight years with two incredibly beautiful daughters growing into adulthood without scandal? No mistress, no rough kisses, no grabbing of anyone’s behind, no hush money payment to a sex worker living or dead, no news of any so-called illegitimate children. None of the cardinal sins that stereotypically benchmarks every black hero including Jesse Jackson, Mike Tyson and lately Bill Cosby! Obama took out Osama bin Laden, but also sacrificed Muammar Gaddafi. In short, he inflated the African-American balloon of pride and lit the candle of hope for all people of colour. 

He would have given that apology for 400 years of slavery and a hundred years of brutal segregation – but for those chains. Blacks constitute only 13 per cent of America. The now infamous Obamacare granted access to those on the lowest rung of the economic ladder; those unlikely to find jobs and the health to stay alive. Now it’s all gone, obliterated by a man not morally qualified to untie his sandals.   

How white America let that happen still beats klan imagination when even America’s indigenous people have been silenced into political oblivion as settlers took over their ancestral land. Obama and his people survived the birther movement but there’s no immunity against the rhetoric of ‘America First’, that battle cry of descendants of European migrants who know that the rainbow has no black in it. 

Trumped upon the throne of his fathers, the new order issued executive orders on the road to making America hate again. The goal is clear, obliterate every vestige of Obama and colour including trade agreements with powerful China and shred the Iran nuclear deal – leave no signature of Obama on the conscience of Uncle Sam.  

Black people in America believe that America’s permission for them to sing, dance, play basketball and entertain is a sign of equality until they sit at Starbucks, buy at Nordstrumrack or take up temporary residence in California. When two black men sashayed into a Starbucks outlet for a business meeting without a suit and tie in the spring sunshine, took a seat and requested to use the lavatory – all hell was let loose. Years before black people do not drink coffee; they only clean coffee shops – at night. These ones caught the spirit of Rosa Parks forcing an entitled white manager whose racial space was violated to call the cops to take the trash out. These outraged Obamanians. Just because the beans are grown in the black man’s land of Brazil and Africa does not make black folks have stars; they certainly have no bucks! Yet Starbucks had to apologise. 

Racism is blood deep; it is not cleansed with the dialysis of political correctness. You don’t blame cops for taking out unarmed black folks when white America once issued licenses for white folks to shoot black people for target practice. Those with a badge still do it for free, as well as vigilante. Those who doubt me should wait to get to black heaven and ask Trayvon Martin. When white heaven is full of black people, the remaining space is reserved for their dogs and cats – ask the Pope, any black man hoping to make it in should go with their baskets to pick cotton or their brooms to sweep and clean the floor. The rest get in as entertainers.

Descendants of shithole nations want respect from white America. No respect would be given to it except the respect given to its home leaders – tolerated on visits and scorned after. Shithole Africa has all humanity needs but its blighted by the greed of its ruiners. Once herded from Africa as cattle, worked as mules and abused as slaves – those who escaped the boats are on the queue begging to be let in as hired slaves – even ready to work for free. Dear black people, pocket your protests and your sense of entitlements. Africa has no respect, where is yours to come from?