Stealing season

As Nigeria’s horrible year crunches to an uneventful end, the country is gradually shifting into celebratory gear at that time of the year…

Stealing season
Stealing season

As Nigeria’s horrible year crunches to an uneventful end, the country is gradually shifting into celebratory gear at that time of the year when families convene with their loved ones to bring another year to a close and exchange best wishes for the upcoming year.

For many Nigerians, their gratitude that another painful year is crawling to an end is palpable.

The end of the year is usually a time for wining, dining, visitations and generally a lot of celebration. Of course, Christmas which is celebrated by Christians comes with an infectious mood.

Unfortunately, this time which drags the year to an end also sees a spike in criminal activities, and Nigerians must watch their backs as it appears that criminals in the country are going into overdrive.

Already, phones, bags, cash, vehicles, and jewelry have been snatched. There have been rapes and even homicides. 

While security personnel rally to take charge of the situation, Nigerians must show the vigilance which is necessary to close the space available to rampaging criminals.

In Abuja, Nigeria’s porous capital city, and Lagos, Africa`s capital of thuggery and the world’s second-worst city to live in, security personnel must especially look out for the merchants of death and chaos.

There is no doubt that it has been a really difficult year for Nigerians. The year has been scarred by economic difficulties and marked by insecurity. Many people who had jobs they were doing to keep body and soul together have since slid into unemployment and consequent penury.

Many families have watched in horror as their income has dried out, exposing children to hunger and want.

It is time for some introspection that will enable Nigerians to see where the wheels so spectacularly went off for Nigeria.

While that exercise is on, Nigerians deserve utmost protection while serious arrangements are made to midwife in a country where no one has to rob Peter to pay Paul.

Kene Obiezu writes from Abuja