Steven Sotloff, journalist beheaded by ISIS, was undeterred by risks of job

The risks caught up with him a year ago when he was abducted in northern Syria as he reported on the civil war that is still convulsing that country, the most dangerous place for journalists, with more than 70 killed and 80 kidnapped since the conflict began.A virtual news blackout on his fate was lifted […]

Steven Sotloff, journalist beheaded by ISIS, was undeterred by risks of job
Steven Sotloff, journalist beheaded by ISIS, was undeterred by risks of job

The risks caught up with him a year ago when he was abducted in northern Syria as he reported on the civil war that is still convulsing that country, the most dangerous place for journalists, with more than 70 killed and 80 kidnapped since the conflict began.
A virtual news blackout on his fate was lifted on Tuesday when he appeared in an Internet video produced by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, the extremist group holding him hostage, that showed the beheading of James Foley, a 40-year-old fellow freelancer and
abduction victim. The video showed a black-clad masked militant towering above Mr. Sotloff as he knelt in an orange jumpsuit, head shaved, with his captors warning that Mr. Sotloff would be the next to die as retribution for American airstrikes on ISIS targets in Iraq. The video ends with the militant warning President Obama, in English, that Mr. Sotloff’s fate “depends on your next decision.”
Mr. Sotloff’s family had desperately sought to keep his abduction quiet, apparently fearing publicity could further endanger him. But the strategy was upended when the world learned that Mr. Sotloff was an ISIS hostage. Although his family still urged Mr. Sotloff’s friends
not to talk, more than 8,100 people have signed a petition on the White House website, created on the same day the ISIS video was posted, urging Mr. Obama “to take immediate action to save Steven’s life by any means necessary.”
Described by friends as selfless, Mr. Sotloff spent most of his life in Florida except when he attended a boarding high school, Kimball Union Academy in Meriden, N.H., where he apparently developed a penchant for reporting and writing.
He coedited the student newspaper,The Kimball Union, graduated in 2002 and attended the University of Central Florida, where he played rugby, worked for the independent student newspaper, Central Florida Future, and expressed deep interest in travel to the Middle East.
He left after three years and, soon after, began to pursue journalism full-time.
“The guy lit up a room. He was always such a loyal, caring and good friend to us,” Josh Polsky, who shared a dormitory suite with Mr. Sotloff, said in a telephone interview. “If you needed to rely on anybody for anything he would drop everything on a dime for you or for anyone else.”
Emerson Lotzia Jr., another former college roommate, said that Mr. Sotloff was undeterred by the risks of Middle East reporting. “A million people could have told him what he was doing was foolish, it seemed like it to us outsiders looking in, but to him it was what he loved to do and you weren’t going to stop him,” Mr. Lotzia told Central Florida Future on Wednesday. “Steve said it was scary over there. It was dangerous. It wasn’t safe to be over there. He knew it. He kept going back.”
An avid user of social media until his last posting on Aug. 3 of last year, when he ruminated about the Miami Heat basketball team, Mr. Sotloff described himself in his Twitter biography as a “Stand-up philosopher from Miami.” He wrote dispatches from conflicts in Bahrain, Egypt, Turkey, Libya and Syria. In one piece for Time about lawlessness in Libya, published in the aftermath of the deadly September 11, 2012, attack on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi that became a crisis for the Obama administration, Mr. Sotloff was prophetic: “With no security organizations to ensure order and an ineffective justice system unable to prosecute suspects, Libyans fear their country is slowly crumbling around them.”
In a report for World Affairs Journal last year from Egypt after the military coup that deposed Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood leader who was the country’s first democratically elected president, Mr. Sotloff gave voice to Muslim Brotherhood supporters who felt disenfranchised. “ ‘The people voted for Morsi,’ 45-year-old teacher Sa’id Rashwan told me. ‘Why have a few now decided he cannot rule?”
Anne Marlowe, a writer, said on her Twitter account that Mr. Sotloff had lived in Yemen for years, “spoke good Arabic, deeply loved Islamic world…. for this he is threatened with beheading.” Mr. Polsky, a lawyer, said that Mr. Sotloff’s circle of college acquaintances, upon learning what had befallen their friend, immediately began contacting one another after having drifted apart over the years. “This event has brought all of us back together,” he said. “As soon as we learned of the circumstances, we all became in touch with one another again out of concern for Steve’s well-being and to reminisce about our experiences of our collegial lives.”

Source: New York Times