Still on Hadiza Bala Usman’s NPA appointment

The recent appointment of Mrs. Hadiza Bala Usman as the Managing Director of Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) created a media furore, particularly the over -hyped Nigerian social media community. This may not be unconnected to her been inconspicuous in a world dominated by rabble-rousing politicians and overbearing opportunists. Her name may not ring a loud […]

Still on Hadiza Bala Usman’s NPA appointment
Still on Hadiza Bala Usman’s NPA appointment

The recent appointment of Mrs. Hadiza Bala Usman as the Managing Director of Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) created a media furore, particularly the over -hyped Nigerian social media community. This may not be unconnected to her been inconspicuous in a world dominated by rabble-rousing politicians and overbearing opportunists. Her name may not ring a loud bell among such familiar amazons; but behind it is a sufficiently astute, forthright and outspoken woman whose thundering voice always echo in challenging the perennial rot in our body politic. It is believed that some of the greatest individuals who left remarkable traces wherever they have a stint are little known to the public. This was the case with Hadiza Bala Usman!
 An amazingly fearless woman, Hadiza is a scion of the erudite scholar and unrivalled historian late Dr Yusufu Bala Usman, whose name resonates with a vibrating sound whenever it is uttered in both academic and political spheres of this country. Born on 2nd January, 1976 in Zaria, Kaduna State, Hadiza started her education at Ahmadu Bello University Staff Primary School and rose with her insatiable quest for knowledge that saw her off to the University of Leeds in United Kingdom where she obtained an MA in Development Studies.
Hadiza started her working career as a Research Assistant with Center for Democratic Development and Research Training (CEDDERT) Zaria, and then worked at the Bureau for Public Enterprises (BPE), until October 2004 when she was hired by the United Nations Development Programme(UNDP), for the Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) as Special Assistant to the Minister of the FCT on Projects Implementation, and later on Physical Infrastructure.
 In 2008 Hadiza served as Executive Director of Abuja Enterprise Agency, in charge of promoting the development of micro, small and medium enterprises in the FCT. She was also the Director, Fund Raising and Strategy for the Good Governance Group (3G).
Having drank from the fountain of her imperishable radical father, Hadiza made a dramatic foray into the murky waters of Nigerian politics and social activism. She was the candidate of the defunct Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) for the House of Representatives seat for Musawa/Matazu Federal Constituency in her home state of Katsina.  She served as Member and Secretary of various committees including the CPC Renewal Committee (2011); APC Strategy Committee (2014); North Central Gubernatorial Elections Screening Committee (2014); APC Elections Planning Committee (2014); APC Presidential Campaign Council (2015); Presidential Inauguration Committee (2015), among others.
 In July 2015, she was appointed the Chief of Staff to the Governor of Kaduna State, the active position she held until her recent appointment. A wild jubilation within government circle in Kaduna greeted her recent appointment, ironically, not because she has has gotten an elevation, but because the woman who ensured the enforcement of due process was now gone and, business will return as usual.
Hadiza was a co-founder of the global movement Bring Back Our Girls, which has been demanding for the rescue of the 219 young school girls abducted by Boko Haram from Chibok Secondary School in Borno State.
 Her indefatigable energy shot her to limelight and prominence. Without mincing words, she is a woman of resilient spirit, mental and creative energy with unmatched ability to get things done. It was her involvement with the Bring Back Our Girls campaign and other patriotic campaigns behind the scenes that practically set her apart culminating into her winning international awards and recognitions. She bagged the Financial Time’s (FT) Most Influential Women Award of 2014; the CNN’s Most Inspiring Woman Award of 2014 and; Ebony Magazine’s 100 Most Influential Black Women in the world.
Certainly, Hadiza merited her new appointment, and the NPA is very lucky to have her as the new captain. Her vast experience, shrewdness and agility will surely be of immense benefit to the transformation of that transportation sub-sector.
Musa Azare wrote in from Abuja [email protected]