Stop releasing your nude pictures, videos, police warn

The police in Lagos State have warned the public, especially women, to stop filming and releasing their nude pictures and videos on social media. It is now common for women filming and snapping themselves nude and sending same to their boyfriends. Such materials are sometimes being abused by such partners or they mistakenly find their […]

Stop releasing your nude pictures, videos, police warn

The police in Lagos State have warned the public, especially women, to stop filming and releasing their nude pictures and videos on social media.

It is now common for women filming and snapping themselves nude and sending same to their boyfriends.

Such materials are sometimes being abused by such partners or they mistakenly find their way in the social media.

The state’s police spokesman, SP Benjamin Hundeyin, who gave the warning through his twitter handle, noted that such practice could be exploited by miscreants.

He said that in one of such messages a man threatened to release a woman’s nude video if she failed to part with some money.

According to him, the woman’s message reads: “He’s threatening to release my nudes if I don’t send money. Please help me. I have his name, number and account details.’’

He noted that he got such messages daily, and therefore said that such attitude was uncalled for and dangerous.

It would be recalled that a female Yoruba musician, Salawa Abeni, raised alarm that a man was trying to exploit her by threatening to release her nude pictures.