Stop vote buying and under-age voting

Nigerian elections process has been modified or fine-tuned to reflect the global practice. In 2015,the Independent National Electorate Commission(INEC) introduced the card reader machines. The gradual adoption of technology for the conduct of election is aiding Nigeria’s democracy. The cases of fraud or rigging which usually characterised our elections have greatly reduced.   It is therefore […]

Stop vote buying and under-age voting
Stop vote buying and under-age voting

Nigerian elections process has been modified or fine-tuned to reflect the global practice. In 2015,the Independent National Electorate Commission(INEC) introduced the card reader machines. The gradual adoption of technology for the conduct of election is aiding Nigeria’s democracy. The cases of fraud or rigging which usually characterised our elections have greatly reduced.   It is therefore worrisome that we now have to contend with underage voting and vote buying. These problems are election offences punishable by law.

After the hues and cries that greeted the alleged underage voting in Kano State, we still had reported cases in Ekiti and Osun States. All political parties are culpable. This must stop for our democracy to flourish. Stakeholders must intervene and do everything possible to check the situation.

Ibrahin Mustapha Pambegua wrote from Kaduna.