Story of the Queen of Auchi

A Queen plays a quiet but incisive role in Auchi, Edo State. Who would have thought that there is a Queen of Auchi or that the town which has a history of migration from Benin, has a tradition of appointing Queens? On this account many may be surprised at the headline given this article. There […]

Story of the Queen of Auchi
Story of the Queen of Auchi

A Queen plays a quiet but incisive role in Auchi, Edo State.

Who would have thought that there is a Queen of Auchi or that the town which has a history of migration from Benin, has a tradition of appointing Queens? On this account many may be surprised at the headline given this article. There is a Queen of Auchi who is known as ‘Ogbaichi of Auchi kingdom’ in this Etsako speaking community which is  located in a valley, and she has a total of 21 female chiefs who work with her settling disputes and raising the banner of harmony  in the numerous villages around the town.
The Queen is the biological sister of the Otaru (King) of Auchi, but  she is not his wife,  as many people would readily assume, which is understandable because in most communities the Queen is usually the wife of the King. But Auchi departs from this convention and  opens a new horizon in this context. This Queen is appointed to her position by the Otaru himself.The current Otaru is Alhaji Aliru Momoh III, himself a son of Momoh I who installed the first Ogbaichi, and the incumbent appointed Zulietu Abu Momoh to her position. She is the current Ogbaichi of Auchi and sits in a brown chair with a high back, upon which is vividly inscribed her title.
 But what are the origins of this title among the people of Auchi? Tony Momoh, in his work titled Each Man, His Time sheds light on this where he writes “Ogbaichi was the title of the new leader of the women. It  translates into one who is  a magnet; one who brings together the people of a town. She is the one women go to when they have a grouse against any other woman. No man goes to the Ogbaichi for her domain is womanhood. If a man and a woman had any problem, they went to the court of the Otaru or the Daudu of the Quarter.”
He explains “The Ogbaichi is the leader of all Auchi women wherever they may be. She is the leader of all women married to Auchi  men wherever they may be. And she is the leader of all women resident in Auchi whether they are married to Auchi men or not.’ In  the same work, he writes “The Ogbaichi, like the Otaru, is the overall leader of the women. While the Otaru is the King of both men and women and everyone else in Auchi, the Ogbaichi is the leader of the women and is responsible only to the Otaru who installs her and to whom she owes total allegiance.”

He adds that the position of Ogbaichi has come to stay in Auchi, and says that the position is always occupied by a woman who hails from the royal family.
Abdulrahman Aruna in his A History Of Auchi Kingdom, states “An Ogbaichi is a subordinate chief in charge of women affairs. Ogbaichi was vested with judicial functions and she presided  over any cases involving women.” Aruna indicates that the first Ogbaichi was Iyami  Idaevbo, mother of Momoh 1.Aminetu Ughiesomhi was the 2nd Ogbaichi. Adi Momoh was the 3rd Ogbaichi, while the fourth was Meremu Momoh. Rametu  Adams was appointed the 5th Ogbaichi ,and all the Ogbaichi’s  till date have been daughters of Momoh the Ist  who ruled  in Auchi from 1919 to 1944.
Recently, this writer witnessed a session at the court   where the Queen and her chiefs adjudicated in a case between two women who were disputing the ownership of a plot of land. The 21 chiefs were present during the event, and they were all clad in white attire and looked quite elegant. That afternoon the Ogbaichi looked a little more radiant than her chiefs. One of the prominent officials at the Ogbaichi’s court is the Speaker. She is Gladys Momoh and she introduces the various cases and the individuals in the dispute. The case is that between Hadizatu Momoh and Norah Aliu, who were both claiming ownership of a plot of land in Auchi. The ‘litigants’ are allowed to explain their understanding of the case. This is followed by songs in honour of the Most High. Then further aspects of the case are heard. From time to time the speaker intervenes to warn one of the parties not to quarrel in the court, or she would have to pay a fine  of 25,000 Naira.

It is normal for persons present to kneel when addressing Ogbaichi, and It is noticed that any of the chiefs could intervene either to correct a point, or to ask a question. All this is part of the process of seeing that justice is finally extended to both parties. A break is called and the disputing groups and a few chiefs go out to inspect the plot of land. When they all return, Ogbaichi who has patiently listened to both sides to the dispute, gives her verdict which surprises everyone and is cloaked in much wisdom: that the land should be shared equally between both claimants. There is rejoicing in the court and the two lady’s in the dispute immediately embrace  each other.
Ogbaichi tells me that she was installed to her position on July 20th 2008, and  she  is the 6th  lady to occupy the position. On her functions, she says “The Ogbaichi is the woman leader of Auchi kingdom. She controls the women, and intervenes in all issues relating to women.If there is a dispute between a husband and his wife, Ogbaichi would intervene to restore harmony between the two. If there is a quarrel between traders, Ogbaichi will also intervene.”
She adds that the holder of the position must be “polite, disciplined in speech and manners, and must not  have the habit of cursing  anyone.” Ogbaichi and her chiefs generally agree that on account of their activities there is a very low divorce rate in Auchi. In  an  earlier encounter with Ogbaichi, she told this reporter “An unmarried woman cannot become an Ogbachi. An Ogbachi must not be a prostitute, or exhibit such tendencies. I cannot make an unmarried person  a chief.”
The title is for life, and anyone who is made Ogbachi of Auchi retains the position as long as she is alive. When Ogbachi needs to meet with the women of Auchi, who are in their thousands, she simply communicates this to the town crier who disseminates same. In the twinkle of an eye, the women would gather.