story STORY – The Stag at the River

“I wish my legs were as beautiful as my horns,” he sobbed.While he was lost in these thoughts, a Lion appeared at the river. The Stag fled from the river in an instant, but his horns soon became entangled with the branches and he found himself stuck The Lion quickly caught up with him and […]

story STORY – The Stag at the River
story STORY – The Stag at the River

“I wish my legs were as beautiful as my horns,” he sobbed.While he was lost in these thoughts, a Lion appeared at the river. The Stag fled from the river in an instant, but his horns soon became entangled with the branches and he found himself stuck

The Lion quickly caught up with him and captured him.

“How wrong I was to despise my legs which could have saved me now, had it not been for my horns which I so admired!” he cried.

The most valuable things are often disregarded.