Stretch marks? Try oils mix

Loads of creams are on sale to deal with them, but most times, the creams do more harm

Stretch marks? Try oils mix

Stretch marks

A number of things can cause stretch marks, but they are more common due to pregnancy – when the flesh elasticity sags and fails to return to its previous states – and weight gain.

Loads of creams are on sale to deal with them, but most times, the creams do more harm than good. Here is a cheap home remedy for getting rid of the marks: 50ml coconut oil, 50ml castor oil, 50ml ginger oil, 50ml Vitamin E (extracted from capsules sold in pharmacies), 50ml olive oil.

Mix the various types of oil in a vessel. Before going to bed, apply the oil on areas where you have stretch marks, massage and stroke upwards. Results are not instant, but this home remedy should give an amazing result within three to four months of consistent use.