Success lessons from Christmas

We are familiar with the account of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. He was born in a lowly place among sheep. He was but a child who apparently was not a threat to anyone but Herod wanted him dead. Herod felt threatened by a child! This was not an ordinary child. He had come […]

Success lessons from Christmas
Success lessons from Christmas

We are familiar with the account of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. He was born in a lowly place among sheep. He was but a child who apparently was not a threat to anyone but Herod wanted him dead. Herod felt threatened by a child! This was not an ordinary child. He had come into the world to save people from sin. This is Emmanuel; meaning God with us. God’s vision for the redemption of mankind was about to be fulfilled. Many prophecies were being fulfilled. Satan was about to lose everything he had stolen. Trust Satan, he would not go down without a fight.

As we celebrate the great event on this great day, I want us to consider the following success lessons:
1. Vision is the foundation of success. If you don’t know where you are going, you cannot plan to get there. The road may not be clear; but your destination must be very clear. The clearer your vision the easier it is to pursue. The process of documenting your vision makes it clearer. God declared through many prophecies His vision for the salvation of the world. He documented it for many years. At the fullness of time, His vision became reality in the birth of His Son Jesus. Take time to dream. Set aside time for creative thinking.
2. A powerful vision generates a powerful opposition.
Your vision will always generate a lot of resentment among some people especially when it is big. You shouldn’t be telling your dream to everyone. The trouble in your present is not necessarily a manifestation of a curse or sin. “When you’re small, they’ll dismiss you. When you’re growing, they’ll criticize you. When you’re large, they’ll resent you.” – Rick Warren
People will always have preconceived notions of what you should be or have and when you don’t fit into that, they fight you. The Jews expected Jesus to be a political and military leader that will deliver them from Roman domination. What they did not know was that He was much bigger than that. He is king of the whole universe! God made you bigger than people see. Do not shrink yourself to the size of their opinion.
That they are talking about you is proof you are important. That the enemy is attacking you is proof he is scared of your future. Have you ever wondered why big people fight small people? They fear your future.
3. God’s purpose for you cannot be thwarted by any man except with your permission. God will always preserve and protect you for your dream. You are the only one that can sabotage God’s plan for you. Isaiah 14:27 says, “The Lord Almighty has purposed, who can thwart Him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?” Job 42:2 says, “I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted.” No matter how hard they fight or pursue you, they cannot stop you.
4. If He anoints you He will announce you. You need God to succeed. Angels came to announce the birth of Jesus. God began to connect Him to those who had a part to play in His life and ministry. The Chief Shepherd was introduced to fellow shepherds.  You are not sent to everyone and you are not meant to do everything. All I need to do is do what I’m anointed for and He will announce me to those who should hear of me. When you do what you are called to do, He will announce you, announce your business etc. He is the Author and Finisher of our faith (dream).
5. Your environment does not determine your value. Great people can come from small places. Great things can grow from small things. Where you start is not as important as where you finish. A small beginning does not mean a small ending. Small things grow big. The only way you can end small is if you stop growing. Your environment does not determine your value; what’s inside of you does. He was in a manger but he was bigger than the manger. Millionaires are living in one room apartments right now. Successful people are riding Okada right now. No matter where you are, you do not loose your value.
6. Life is in phases. Some phases are palatable; others are not. Some phases are tough and rough and scary. Others are pleasant. Different phases require different strategies, environments, relationships etc. He was helpless because he was a child and had to run to Egypt but he did not run forever. He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah. It took me time to learn to run from the Herods of my life to preserve myself for the fulfillment of my dreams. You must learn how to run from the Herods of your life in order to stay alive for the fulfillment of your dream. David ran away from Saul to escape being killed. Running away may be a strategy. Eating cheap food today may be a strategy. Staying in a small apartment may be a strategy. Some people demand from phase one what only phase five can bring. Don’t push me, I’m only in phase one!!!
7. God is faithful. He fulfilled His promises that He made to David thousands of years before.
8. You need the Holy Ghost to achieve your God-given dreams. Often overlooked is the role of the Holy Spirit in the conception and ministry of Jesus. Mary asked a question: 34Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? 35And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee…
Hold on to your God-given dream and never let go. You are about to enter the next phase of your life. Your dream is about to become reality. This coming year 2015 is your year! Merry Christmas!!!
Dr. Charles Olowojoba is the President of Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l and Bishop-Elect of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide,  e-mail: [email protected]  website:

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