‘Sugar can create over 117,000 jobs in Nigeria’

The Nigeria sugar sub sector has the capacity of creating over 117 jobs,  Executive Secretary of the National Sugar Development Council (NSDC) Dr Latif Busari said yesterday.  Speaking at the Northern Region Sugar Sensitization Forum organised by the Council, Busari said with the capacity envisioned, the sub sector could create 37,378 permanent jobs as well […]

‘Sugar can create over 117,000 jobs in Nigeria’
‘Sugar can create over 117,000 jobs in Nigeria’

The Nigeria sugar sub sector has the capacity of creating over 117 jobs,  Executive Secretary of the National Sugar Development Council (NSDC) Dr Latif Busari said yesterday.
 Speaking at the Northern Region Sugar Sensitization Forum organised by the Council, Busari said with the capacity envisioned, the sub sector could create 37,378 permanent jobs as well as 79,803 seasonal jobs.
He said the sub sector could record 1,797,000 tonnes of sugar annually, 161.2 million litres of ethanol annually, 411.7 MW of electricity annually and 1.6 million tonnes of animal feeds.
He said the sub sector is making steady progress through the faithful implementation of the Nigerian Sugar Master Plan (NSMP) by the council, adding that more investors are showing interest in the sector and are willing to partner the council.