Suicide is not the best option

The spate of suicides/suicide attempts across the country in recent time is alarming and something should be done about it.  In the past, it was not common to hear of suicide in Nigeria. This shows that our values are eroding.  Families and religious institutions have a great role to play in tackling this issue.  In […]

Suicide is not the best option

The spate of suicides/suicide attempts across the country in recent time is alarming and something should be done about it.  In the past, it was not common to hear of suicide in Nigeria. This shows that our values are eroding.  Families and religious institutions have a great role to play in tackling this issue. 

In some cases, people are pushed to suicide because of family pressure. When some people see that they cannot measure up to certain expectations, they opt for suicide. Families must desist from putting undue pressure on members. Instead, they should show support to that member who may be having a hard time. In the event that a member shows signs of depression, he or she should be monitored and counselled. 

Religious leaders need to discourage their members against such act. They should be reminded of what the holy books say about taking ones’ life. People must be made to understand that no matter what they are going through, suicide is not an option. It is actually a defeatist attitude. I also call on the government to create a centre where people battling depression or in need of counselling can go to for help. 

Hameed Musa wrote from Kano