Suleiman Goro, keep up the good work

As we are heading closer to election season, as an astute observer of almost entire political developments, we can exclusively derive some lessons from Aminu Suleiman Goro, the Chairman House of Representatives, Committee on Tertiary Education and Services. No doubt, if a politician works round the clock in transforming people’s lives, whatever political uncertainties that […]

Suleiman Goro, keep up the good work
Suleiman Goro, keep up the good work

As we are heading closer to election season, as an astute observer of almost entire political developments, we can exclusively derive some lessons from Aminu Suleiman Goro, the Chairman House of Representatives, Committee on Tertiary Education and Services. No doubt, if a politician works round the clock in transforming people’s lives, whatever political uncertainties that might follow, as beneficiaries, the majority of his constitient will in exchange struggle to ensure his victory. I know, few people might say, there is no any reason to commend our rulers for adding whatever impact to the people’s lives, because whatever we benefit from them was not favour, but rather, our right as taxpayers. I always used to heartily counter this view, and my perception mostly used to counterweight this assertion.

For me, if social media habitués are quick to hook up on various social media platforms to post withering criticisms to political office holders for behaving improperly, to be fair and just to them, they must also in return be quick to commend them if they fortunately do right. These commendable remarks, might eventually serve as a booster to their effort in the future. In view of the above, doing this becomes paramount, especially in this time that we rate different aspirants’ scorecards. Hence, the reason that influenced me to take a gimlet glance into comrade’s score sheets.

To be precise, what must capture one to be interested in Goro is the way he embraces and invests heavily in young people. To be honest, most of our politicians use youths as pawns for achieving political interests, and sorrowfully relegating them to political thugs after winning elections. But amazingly, this trend that has been normalized in our politics is alien to Goro’s politics. Certainly, Suleiman Goro’s sincerity to the plights of his people cannot be ignored. His erstwhile motion on flooding that afflicted some parts of his constituency reinforces this point. Even Goro’s entourage is always mostly filled with educated university graduates. The common trend is, if you want to be part of Goro’s political journey, go to school. He rightly used his position as Chairman House Committee on Tertiary Education and Services to solicit multiple opportunities for his people. As our youths living in wretched condition courtesy of unemployment, thankfully, Goro is always centralizing his effort towards alleviating the condition of our youths living in extreme poverty as a result of unemployment. That’s why the need becomes vital to unveil the curtain that covers the efficient performance of this workaholic Member.

His proposed bill for the establishment of nine new tertiary institutions is nearing conclusion. Talk less of creation of numerous centres of learning for students of Open University in most parts of Nigeria. That’s why I must use this juncture, to call for the need of immediate passage of that bill for creation of those new universities. And at the same time, Aminu Suleiman as member of the National Assembly from Kano, canvass for the inclusion of Kano State in that proposed list of nine new universities. Because Kano, taking into consideration its nature as densely populated State, presence of only single Federal University (BUK) might not satisfy the utmost emerging demand for tertiary education of its large people.


Abbas Bashir Datti, Kanoa