Superstitions in the month of Safar

“         Do not revile time (i.e. do not regard any particular day, week or month to be bad, for I (Allah) Am the (embodiment) of all time” We are, today, already in the first week of Safar, the second month of the Islamic calendar.  Of the 12 months of the Hijri calendar, Safar is one […]

Superstitions in the month of Safar
Superstitions in the month of Safar

“         Do not revile time (i.e. do not regard any particular day, week or month to be bad, for I (Allah) Am the (embodiment) of all time”
We are, today, already in the first week of Safar, the second month of the Islamic calendar.  Of the 12 months of the Hijri calendar, Safar is one that was shrouded in innovations and superstitions in pagan Arab society. Though this persists today with us where some people claim to know the future and hoodwink others with their so-called divining ability.
In pre-Islamic Arabia, the people believed that Safar was full of ill-fortune and bad luck; that it was a serpent that dwelled in the stomach of man and comes to life in Safar to wreak illnesses and diseases on the people.
Also among the evil attached to Safar by the ignorant was the belief that marriage contracted during the month would be beset with bad luck. It was also the belief that any business entered into this month would end up a lost venture.
Particularly regarded as bad for anything good to be undertaken are the first 13 days of the month which are believed to be especially evil and full of bad luck.
However, these definitely negate the trust in Allah and sincerity that Islam is built upon. Islam, the religion of Allah (SWT) guides the ummah in all aspects of life in the Glorious Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh).
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: …“O people, the Satan has despaired of ever being worshipped in your land, but he will be pleased to be obeyed in any matter other than that; in matters that you may think of as insignificant. So beware of him in matters of your religion. The postponing (of a Sacred Month) is indeed an addition to disbelief, by which the disbelievers are led astray… Time has completed a cycle and assumed the form of the day Allah created the heavens and the earth. The number of months with Allah is 12, of which four are sacred, three consecutive months, and Rajab Mudar which comes between Jumada and Sha’ban…” -Ahkam al-Qur’an, 2/503-504.
Belief in superstition detracts from Iman in Taqdir and the qudrat of Allah (SWT).
Allah says in the Holy Qur’an: “No misfortune can happen on earth nor (afflict) your souls, but is recorded in a Book (long) before We bring it into existence; that is truly easy for Allah.” al-Hadid 57:22
So, undoubtedly, disaster and misfortune can happen only according to the Will and Plan of Allah (SWT). No other force or power can direct one’s destiny or cause harm to him except with the permission of Allah.
It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said: the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said: “(There is) no ‘Adwa (no contagious disease is conveyed without Allah’s permission), nor is there any bad omen (from birds), nor is there any Haamah, nor is there any (bad omen in the month of) Safar, and one should run away from the leper as one runs away from a lion. Bukhari and Muslim.
For the pagans, superstition constituted an integral part of their belief system. Before Islam the Arabs were steeped in superstitious beliefs; superstition regulated their social, economic and political lives and values.
The Prophet (pbuh) has condemned superstition of whatever kind.  “There is no (ill-fortune) in the month of Safar nor do evil spirits (exist).” – Muslim.
Similarly the Prophet (pbuh) said that Allah said: “Do not revile time (i.e. do not regard any particular day, week or month to be bad), for I (Allah) am the (embodiment) of all time.”
Superstition creates mystery, value system that gives rise to fear, suspicion and enmity. It deprives man of rational thinking such that every ailment, accident or calamity is attributed to some evil force.
But all these are the result of misconception based upon lack of proper knowledge and adherence to the teaching of Islam.
May Allah guide us through 1438AH and beyond. Ameen.

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