Take time with time

There is a saying which goes like this:  there is an account which opens afresh every day. It allows you to use up as much deposit therein as you can and to the maximum. Whatever you waste of it cannot be regained and whatever you put to maximum use is to your benefit. But every […]

Take time with time
Take time with time

There is a saying which goes like this:  there is an account which opens afresh every day. It allows you to use up as much deposit therein as you can and to the maximum. Whatever you waste of it cannot be regained and whatever you put to maximum use is to your benefit. But every day the account is recharged and for free. That account is time.

Time could be described as a paradox and at the same time an absolute equal for everyone. Still it appears to favour some more than others. Those who seem to have a lot of it at their disposal are to able to better manage their assets and situations around them. 

Time is not partial in its disposition to anyone. The reason it appears favourable to some is because they are able to organise and take time with time. It does not take a lot to possess such time management skills if you set your heart to it. The following tips could help you to perfect your skills and manage your time well.

Begin with setting your priorities right and determining what is important to you. Schedule these ahead of others. Follow this by scheduling your other activities in terms of their importance and relevance to you and according to your schedule.  Try not to cancel activities you truly enjoy against necessary activities.

Planning and planning right is an essential part of life. It is a crucial step on the success and achievement ladder.  Fundamental as it is, it is the easiest item on the agenda to leave behind especially when you are busy and stressed out. Your life can only remain simple and uncomplicated if you have a plan and stick to it. It will also give you direction and helps increases your productivity level.

Do not try to do everything by yourself especially when you have competent hands around you. Delegate tasks to others in whom you have faith. This will give you more free time and energy to focus on your top priorities and be able to give it the best shot.

Find someone who is just as efficient and reliable as you are and get into a routine to systemize some of your routine tasks.  “Replication” it is said, “causes you to increase your results without wasting extra time and energy and in turn becoming more effective.”

In setting your goals, you have to be realistic. Just as everyone makes resolutions at the beginning of the year and makes an effort to keep them, you may as well set resolutions at the beginning of everyday and set goals to help you achieve them in a given time frame. The joy of succeeding this way can only boost your self-confidence and performance levels as well as keep you motivated. 

Organise your day and keep track of your progresses as well as your setbacks. Everybody has different seasons for harvests. Structure your day accordingly to maximize your greatest productivity time.  When you understand and honour your work style, you will gradually become more efficient.

Never underestimate time. Place great value for it and let your words, actions and commitments reflect that your time is valuable. If you do not value your time, do not expect others to.

Organise your space and find a place for every single item. This way you won’t waste time searching through clutters and wasting valuable time and getting stressed.  Studies show that people who are surrounded by clutter spend 1.5 hours per day searching for something or becoming distracted.    Create a list of what you need to achieve each day and distinguish what is and is not attainable.  Focus on a certain amount of activities a day you know you can accomplish and keep your list manageable.

Don’t try to do everything at the same time. If you start with one task, focus on it till the end nbefore embarking on a fresh one. Try it out and see how relaxed you are and how much your creativity builds up.  Also, you’ll notice how your work speed increases and how much easier it is to work. Make each task perfect with all your energy instead of splitting your attention. It5 is better to devote time to a work and finish it rather than having many things at hand at the same time and not finishing any of the works.

Get rid of time wasters, interruptions, over commitments and such distractions that could get in the way. Rather than allow time to take over you, you take control of time and get it to work for you as you want.

In answering the almost rhetorical and endless question, ‘’Why do I never have enough time in a day?”

In relating to time as an anti-aging measure, experts say “people tend to believe that in one month, time and money will seem to be more available than it is today.  By thinking too far in advance, people forget about the demands that suddenly occur.  We look to the future as ideal – free of worries and with plenty of time to do everything we ever wished for.  This is known as responsibility overload which causes extra stress in people who are poor stress managers.  We need to learn how to say no to certain commitments and responsibilities.  We need to look at how busy we are in the present moment before we think about committing to any other responsibilities.”

Time is a priceless treasure and should be appreciated every moment you have whilst remembering that time waits for no one.  Make the most of time the best way you can and don’t let it slip through your fingers.  Lost time cannot be replaced, bought or saved – it can only be spent and then it’s gone forever!