Afghanistan crisis: Biden’s friend calls for his Impeachment

Lindsey Graham, the Republican Senator representing South Carolina, has called for the impeachment of President Joe Biden. Graham, who is demanding Biden’s immediate impeachment, was close to the the US President when he was a senator and also as vice-president to Barack Obama. He accused him of “ignoring sound advice” on the withdrawal of United […]

Afghanistan crisis: Biden’s friend calls for his Impeachment

Lindsey Graham, the Republican Senator representing South Carolina, has called for the impeachment of President Joe Biden.

Graham, who is demanding Biden’s immediate impeachment, was close to the the US President when he was a senator and also as vice-president to Barack Obama.

He accused him of “ignoring sound advice” on the withdrawal of United States troops from Afghanistan.

Following the withdrawal of US troops, Taliban regained control of Afghanistan, forcing the country’s president to flee.

Graham, during a short interview to CBS’s Face the Nation On Sunday, called on US forces to remain in Afghanistan to tackle terrorists.

“You cannot break [Islamic State’s] will through drone attacks. You’ve got to have people on the ground hitting these people day in and day out. You can’t do it over the horizon.

“[Biden] deserves a lot of accountability for this. And I’m sure it will be coming.

“I think it’s dereliction of duty to leave hundreds of Americans behind enemy lines, turn them into hostages, to abandon thousands of Afghans who fought honorably along our side, to create conditions for another 9/11 that are now through the roof,” said Graham.

During Trump’s two impeachment trials, the Senator was a juror and voted against convicting him for seeking dirt on Biden in Ukraine and inciting the deadly Capitol riot.

“Yeah, I think [Biden’s] been derelict in his duties as Commander-in-Chief,” Graham told CBS.

“I don’t think he got bad advice and took it. I think he ignored sound advice.

“And this is Joe Biden being Joe Biden. He’s been this way for 40 years, but now he’s the Commander-in-Chief. He’s not a Senator. He’s not the Vice-President. These are commander-in-chief decisions. I think the best you could describe is dereliction of duty at the highest level.”