Taming emotion while taking decisions

Very often we are overwhelmed by situations and challenges we encounter daily and don’t manage them properly in many cases. Deciding and taking decisions concerning these issues can be quite difficult as well as trying some times. The ability to be objective and keep our emotions in check rather than let them be a part […]

Taming emotion while taking decisions
Taming emotion while taking decisions

Very often we are overwhelmed by situations and challenges we encounter daily and don’t manage them properly in many cases.

Deciding and taking decisions concerning these issues can be quite difficult as well as trying some times. The ability to be objective and keep our emotions in check rather than let them be a part of the decision–making process or base our decisions on them is very crucial to the end result of these situations.

It is important for us to begin to think with our heads and not our hearts and manage crisis with a clear head. It is also important for us to base most, if not all, of our decisions facts on sound judgement. It is only when our emotions are in check that we can achieve this.

Regardless of our position in society, work or family, we must be able to separate emotion from a given situation as making decisions based on emotion or sentiment can lead to bad results. Also, reacting to situations emotionally rather than reacting based on logic and facts can do lasting damage to us and other people involved in the matter. It can destroy relationships forever even where it has taken years to build them.

Mairo Salihu, civil servant, attests that this can be a very difficult thing to do. According to her, when faced with a situation that might be somewhat difficult, she says it is difficult for her to remain calm “even though I know it is what I should do. It is almost impossible for me to tell myself to think about the problem at hand in a rational, logical manner. Sometimes, when it is not something that has to do with a deadline, I give it until the day after before I think through and take a stand. I succeed sometimes, but I fail to do this some other times. Gradually, I am learning to handle myself and issues I face with more objectivity than emotions. That way I can take unbiased decisions.”

Corporate Gift Business owner, Yusuf Bala, says he deals with situations that arise in his business by first reminding himself that, the company and her image are priority and should be treated as such. “I think about how my decision will affect the short and long-term viability of my company and purge myself by asking if my stance is influenced and based on logic and sound business sense or based on emotion or sentiment.

“It is only after I have answered this in a way that justifies my conscience that I now move on to the next step. Otherwise, I spend a little more time with my thoughts until I am certain and clear in my spirit what to do.

“If it involves any of my staff, I try to be careful not to let my temper or emotions overtake me. I know that words spoken cannot be taken back and can be very hurtful sometimes. Also, people generally don’t forget that it was said; so I avoid getting angry and emotional and saying things I would  regret later and have to apologize for it. Over time I have learnt that making this a routine, I could lose all credibility and respect.”

We sometimes get really worried and worked up over something as ‘insignificant’ as a badly cooked meal; which really may not be bad, but for the mere fact that the food didn’t turn out as we expected. In many cases we cause the stress we go through onto ourselves. The thing is with tactics and strategy, they can all be addressed. It all boils down to how you look at things. If you consider something to be problematic, then a problem is all that it will turn out to be. However, people who have learned to cope with stress know how to deal with so-called problematic situations and actually turn the tide in their favor so that the impediment turns into an opportunity.

Every single thing that happens to us has a pro and a con. If a circumstance changes, even though it may terrify us initially, there will be some benefit that we can derive from it.

We need to learn to look at things positively and optimistically to help us live more stress-free and fruitful lives. A lot of situations we encounter do not deserve the level of stress and worry we accord them.

Miriam Mgbeze puts it in a few words: “When we apply our minds with a levelheaded approach, we would find that we could cope with the situation and even become winners there.”