Tems: How I avoided distracting producers

Grammy award-winning Nigerian artiste, Temilade Openiyi, aka Tems, has disclosed what she does to avoid seducing producers. The star said she intentionally wears baggy clothes to the studio to curb distractions from producers when making music. Speaking on the recent episode of the ‘Flow With Korty’ show, Tems said she almost lost confidence in her […]

Tems: How I avoided distracting producers

I was bullied as a child because of my voice – Tems

Grammy award-winning Nigerian artiste, Temilade Openiyi, aka Tems, has disclosed what she does to avoid seducing producers.

The star said she intentionally wears baggy clothes to the studio to curb distractions from producers when making music.

Speaking on the recent episode of the ‘Flow With Korty’ show, Tems said she almost lost confidence in her appearance.

The singer said her body posed a career hindrance, hence, she switched from wearing cute outfits to baggy ones to reduce attention from producers, especially when going to the studio.

“I used to not always like my body. I just didn’t understand a lot of things. I was going to a lot of studios alone, meeting people I didn’t know and had never met. I’ll message people to ask them to teach me how to produce music for people.

“So, because of my objective, which is just wanting to make music, if my being attractive is disturbing you and stopping me from achieving my goal, I am going to help you. So, when I go to the studio, I wear baggy clothes and I’m in my alpha mode because I want you to not be seduced by me,” she said.

Tems has made a reputation for herself in the Nigerian music industry, receiving numerous prizes and recognition.

She rose to international prominence in 2020 after collaborating with Wizkid on the song ‘Essence’.

In February 2023, the singer received her first Grammy.

She won the ‘Best Melodic Rap Performance’ award for her role in Future’s 2022 hit song ‘Wait for U’, which features Drake.