Tenets of Islam: The true status of Prophet Muhammad SAWS (II)

Today, 13 centuries after his death, his influence is still powerful and pervasive!”This presentation clearly shows that however powerful a set of slanderers may be attacking and tarnishing the image of a clean personality, a day shall come when the truth will be triumphant, when everything becomes clear. That is exactly what happened in the […]

Tenets of Islam: The true status of Prophet Muhammad SAWS (II)
Tenets of Islam: The true status of Prophet Muhammad SAWS (II)

Today, 13 centuries after his death, his influence is still powerful and pervasive!”
This presentation clearly shows that however powerful a set of slanderers may be attacking and tarnishing the image of a clean personality, a day shall come when the truth will be triumphant, when everything becomes clear. That is exactly what happened in the West today. Allah S.W.T. says it all in Q.48 V.28: “It is He Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth, so that He may make it superior to all religions..”. Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.S., with the message he brought, remains a blessing to Mankind; as well as the Jinns.
Those of us who are unrepentantly bent on celebrating the Mawlid-un-Nabiy are just imitating the people on the border line. By doing so, we may be claiming the love of the Prophet S.A.W.S. But we should know that our love for him should be different from the love cherished by the Nazarenes for Isa/Jesus Christ A.S.
As far as Muslims are concerned, we are not to worship Allah S.W.T. with mere love. We are to rather worship Allah with {Love, Hope and Fear}. These three should be our guide.
You love Allah S.W.T. because He created and made you part of those who enjoy life on this Earth. You fear Almighty Allah S.W.T. because if you misbehave He’ll punish you. You worship Allah S.W.T. with Hope because when you do good, He is going to reward you.
Therefore, these three aspects should exist in our own endeavours. That is why there is no consensus among members of the Muslim Ummah to go for the celebration of Mawlid-un-Nabiy. If neither the Prophet S.A.W.S. celebrated his birthday; nor the Companions or Worthy Ancestors, then it is obvious that this celebration is a very wrong doing.
The Prophet S.A.W.S. has emphatically said : “Beware of newly invented religious practices because, every newly invented religious practice is an innovated matter, and every innovated matter is wrongdoing and definitely, every wrongdoing is Fire-bound.”-Part of ‘Irbaad’s Hadith from Nawawi Forties no 28.
It is desirable to accept the statement of Allah in Q.33 V.21: “Indeed, there is for you in the Messenger of Allah a good example, to be followed by him who has hope in Allah and the Last Day, as well as remember Allah much”. Allah is the one that we are to remember much. As for Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.S., we are to pray for and not to him because he is a creature as he was commanded to proclaim in Q.41  V.6  this manner:  “Say: I am no more  than a human being like you.”

Dr. Rafee Owonla Busayree Al-Ijebuwi, is Imam Kubwa Mosque.