Term Life Insurance in 2024: Understanding How It Fits In

Term life insurance has remained an essential component of financial planning for decades. However, term plans have evolved with changing times to meet emerging needs. As we step into 2024, it is sensitive to understand where term insurance fits in and how it can continue fulfilling the protection needs of individuals and families. What is […]

Term Life Insurance in 2024: Understanding How It Fits In

life insurance text from wooden blocks

Term life insurance has remained an essential component of financial planning for decades. However, term plans have evolved with changing times to meet emerging needs. As we step into 2024, it is sensitive to understand where term insurance fits in and how it can continue fulfilling the protection needs of individuals and families.

What is Term Life Insurance?

Term life insurance protects your beneficiaries financially if you pass away during the policy term. You pay regular premiums to the insurance company, and in return, your nominee gets the assured sum in case of your demise within the defined period.

However, if you survive the tenure, the insurer pays nothing. Unlike traditional policies, term plans only offer life cover without any savings.

Why Do You Need Term Insurance?

While many believe “nothing will happen to me,” term insurance helps prepare for uncertainties. As the primary earning member, your absence can severely impact your family’s quality of life. The emotional trauma aside, they may struggle to fund regular expenses, repay loans, save for goals, and more. Term insurance ensures continued financial stability when you are not around.

Some key reasons to buy term insurance include:

Maintaining Family’s Standard of Living

The payout from term insurance helps your family manage daily necessities and maintain their lifestyle without financial constraints.

Repaying Outstanding Liabilities

Whether home loans, vehicle loans, business loans, or any other debt, the term plan ensures loan repayment doesn’t fall on your family.

Funding Children’s Future

You can invest the payouts to accumulate savings for pivotal expenses like children’s higher education and marriage.

Tax Benefits

Premiums paid qualify for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. Your beneficiaries’ death benefit is also tax-free under Section 10(10D).

Who Needs Term Insurance?

While term insurance suits most individuals, specific demographics benefit exceptionally from buying adequate coverage early on:


  • Young Parents: As new parents struggling with expenses amid career growth, sufficient life cover ensures your child’s future is secure if you are not around later.
  • People in Debt: If you have large outstanding loans, term insurance can save your family from repaying under financial distress.
  • Sole Breadwinners: As primary family earners without backup income sources, term insurance prevents income shock for dependents.
  • High-Risk Professionals: If tragedy strikes, those with hazardous jobs get extra security for loved ones.

How Much Cover Do You Need?

Your insurance amount should equal your family’s outstanding liabilities plus sufficient savings to generate long-term income matching current earnings.


Follow this process to calculate your ideal coverage:

Step 1: List All Liabilities

Home, car, personal, and business loan amounts must be covered to prevent asset loss.

Step 2: Calculate Annual Household Expenses

Include grocery, utility bills, rent, etc., which are expected to continue unchanged for your family.

Step 3: Decide Policy Duration

If you have kids, pick a term lasting until formal education completion and financial independence.

Step 4: Determine the Lump Sum Needed

Figure out how much money you need. Online calculators can help determine this figure.

Step 5: Add Up All Costs

The sum insured should equal liabilities, lump sum capital needed, and other earmarked expenses like recurring medical bills. Have at least 10 times your annual income.

When Does One Buy Term Insurance?

Ideally, you should purchase term insurance when liabilities accumulate. Here is a timeline of when term insurance becomes essential as life progresses:

●     Early Career

If you’re fresh out of college, buy cover even if you’re single. Premiums hit their lowest pricing due to healthier lifestyles. Start your protection early on.

●     Wedding

As you support your new family, sufficient life cover prevents financial collapse. Secure the future of your surviving better half.

●     New Born

Welcome the baby with enough term insurance coverage, providing financial security.

●     Mid Career

Review coverage every few years as income and expenses grow. Top up existing coverage or buy a new policy to bridge protection gaps.

●     At Retirement

While liabilities decline, term insurance ensures lifelong income to cover retirement living costs if pension plans fail.


Life insurance may seem like another expense, but one can’t overlook its importance. Term insurance guarantees lifelong stability at little cost. As responsibilities grow and uncertainties rise, term insurance provides loyal support. Hopefully, the plans will evolve to provide well-rounded, personalised coverage against life’s ups and downs.







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