TEXEM: Optimising Senatorial Impact for Nation Building

TEXEM is a leading consulting firm whose headquarters is situated in the UK. They are passionate about educating senior executives and…

TEXEM: Optimising Senatorial Impact for Nation Building


TEXEM is a leading consulting firm whose headquarters is situated in the UK. They are passionate about educating senior executives and African leaders. TEXEM’s unique services have contributed immensely to organisational growth, capacity building, transformational change, sustainable success and development. They have influenced and led discussions that have directed key stakeholders to their drawing board. Inspiring hundreds of organisations and over four thousand leaders to enhance their performance, build core competencies to unlock scarce value and achieve enduring success.

Without a doubt, the Senators of the ninth Nigerian Assembly had a very engaging and insightful time during the 5-day (11th -15th October 2021) Legislative Development Programme organised by TEXEM.  The methodology adopted by TEXEM is time tested and well-proven, turning learning into a memorable experience. Their process is rigorous while designing the programme to be fun through videos, group and individual activities, peer to peer learning, observation practice, self-reflection and games. This methodology has helped them challenge assumptions and provided requisite insights to the distinguished senators to optimise their impact and achieve enduring success.

The five (5) day legislative executive development programme was characterised by 4 presentations daily, class and group activities. 

The welcome address was delivered by Dr Alim Abubakre, who introduced TEXEM, UK and the goal of the executive development programme. The cohort then proceeded on a guided tour of Cadbury World and Shakespeare’s birthplace and participated in a boat ride.

The second day of the legislative-executive development programme witnessed the cohorts being equipped for legislative impact in sessions delivered by Prof. Rodria Laline. Her topics covered Trilemma in the world economy: A developing country example, Strategic Leadership in the digital age for Government, need for innovation in Governance: Lessons and insights from successes and failure, Fostering a culture of innovation in the legislature.

On day three of the programme, the cohorts were taught how to optimise their legislative impact by Amb. Dr Rachel Aron through topics such as Leadership Presence-Confidence, Impact within the organisation-with staff- sideways, peers and upward-behaviours and culture, Benefits of Leadership impact-Some examples, Impact outside the organisation-How to be an ambassador to your organisation.

Day four of the programme consisted of sessions delivered by Professor Paul Griffith, the world’s first Management Professor to lead a team that launched a rocket to space. He covered topics such as Strategic Leadership for Success in an Unknown Tomorrow (Leading during high-stakes strategic change, Enabling personal and organisational change. Other topics covered on day four include change and decision making for strategic outcomes, Organising for innovation). 

The final day of the programme was facilitated by Amb. Charles Crawford, on such topics as Managing Politics for Success – Strength and Weakness, what makes a leader strong or weak? Resolving Conflict – Tips and Tricks, What’s a conflict about? Leadership for Achieving Goals – Tips and Tricks, Communicating Change Effectively – Tips and Tricks (Informing v inspiring, Projecting confidence), Other activities on day five include group reflection, interviews, and games.

The programme ended on a very high note as Senators shared their comments and attested to the fact that the legislative development was timely and relevant to the current economic and social situation Nigeria is currently facing. They stated that if all learnt were implemented in their various designations, Nigeria will experience a positive economic and social outlook.

Some excerpts from the feedback of legislators in the legislative executives in the in-plant programme;

“…I want to say a big thank you for TEXEM’s special care and attention towards me in particular and the entire team.

Your expertise in managing human beings and situations is an exceptional skill.

I am proud of you as a great Ambassador of Africa over there.

There’s hope for a better change in future when we put into practice what we learnt. …

– Sen. Akon Eyakenyi.

“The Impact of the program inspired me to immediately call a meeting of my Aides to plan in order to execute the objectives of my programmes.  The Resource persons were wonderful and the Organizers TEXEM were indefatigable. The hotel accommodation, food and service were excellent.  Thanks TEXEM”

-Sen. (Prof.) Nora Ladi Daduut.

Some Quotes from Faculties

TEXEM’s programme content was unique, rich, timely, educative, enlightening, and thought-provoking. The attendants not only got a chance to learn the art of achieving goals effectively and efficiently, but they also had memorable interactions, thereby increasing their social capital. Here is what faculties had to say after the programme, Prof. Rodria Laline, Founding Director of the Harvard University Maximize Your Board’s Potential programme said:

Professor Rodria Laline, Founding Director of the Harvard University Maximize Your Board’s Potential programme, said:

“I salute TEXEM’s rigorous methodology, consistently challenging faculties to optimise our delivery, vary our content, and the organisation share actionable insights into Nigeria’s contextual realities. This helps us to deliver more engaging, stimulating, and insightful programmes for the delegates.” 

-Dr Rachel Aron, Former British Ambassador to Belgium and Chair of various boards.

“It is a pleasure to work with senior executives and leading government figures in this dynamic and engaging programme designed by TEXEM, UK. The organisation and support for delegates as they engage in their learning journey is excellent.”

– Former UK Ambassador to Bosnia,  Charles Crawford.

“The opportunity to share perspectives and ideas to address the challenges of working in an uncertain world is unparalleled,”

-Prof. Paul Griffiths, Professor of Practice, Products & Services, Ashridge Executive Education at Hult International Business School, said.