That which makes the poor rich

Discontentment and ingratitude are traits of the Satan whose ungratefulness exiled him from the abode of Allah’s mercy. These two traits are most often induced by greed. This lends credence to the proposition that every discontented person is unthankful and greedy. Contentment is not just about monetary issues as it also transcends all spheres of […]

That which makes the poor rich
That which makes the poor rich

Discontentment and ingratitude are traits of the Satan whose ungratefulness exiled him from the abode of Allah’s mercy. These two traits are most often induced by greed. This lends credence to the proposition that every discontented person is unthankful and greedy. Contentment is not just about monetary issues as it also transcends all spheres of life including political, social or religious matters. 

Allah (SWT) created Adam (A.S) and his wife, Hawwau to dwell in the eternal garden; warning both of them to stay away from a particular tree and not to eat of its fruits. But Adam (AS) and his wife were both tempted by their worse enemy, Satan, to eat from the tree. Satan whispered evil to Adam (AS) saying “O Adam! Shall I lead you to tree of eternity and to a kingdom that never degenerates?” unfortunately, they both disobeyed Allah (STW) and thus ate from the tree; whence their nakedness appeared to them. 

Consequently, Allah (STW) said to both of them (as contained in Qur’an 20:123) to get down (to the earth) from the Garden. This was how Adam (AS) lost his residence in the Garden. Had Adam not listened to Satan who advised him and his wife to go against Allah’s injunction on the forbidden fruit), both of them (Adam and Hawwau wouldn’t have been brought down to this thorny but complicated planet and no man would thus have experienced the complex challenges of contemporary times. Greed signified in discontentment, therefore, marked the beginning of Adam’s problems; and yet remains one of man’s critical “ailments” of the heart.

Riches are not from abundance of physical assets but from a contented mind. It has always been Satan’s wish to lead man in to disobedience through discontentment. An ungrateful person always looks at those who have more in terms of money, farmlands, cars, houses or estates. Such a person may never find contentment because Allah (SWT) has designed the natural scheme of things in such a way that, over every possessor of a particular favuor is another. Man is urged to look at those who have less. Let us not use the physical abilities, wealth, health, knowledge, status or personality of others to determine how rich or poor, or how highly or lowly placed we are. Much gratitude lies in our ability to appreciate Allah’s bounties as we have less or none at all. Contentment is tantamount to acknowledging the contrast between “the haves” on the one hand, and the “haves not” on the other.

A discontentment mind suffers from a variety of illnesses; one leading to another. They include emotional instability and a longing desire to always have more. A discontented person is regularly engrossed in thoughts of how to be better-off in whatever he decides to go after. This obviously creates psychological instability in a greedy and ungrateful person because of his persistent and desperate attempts to realize his tall ambitions. One negative consequence of this lifestyle is an unrealistic and disorganized way of life. Discontented and unthankful persons are also likely to be under psychological tensions. 

It is likely that an ungrateful person might not be committed to his religious duties, obligatory as well as superogatory. And even when he does, the religious act may not be accompanied with the desired piety and devotion. Discontentment creates materialistic tendencies. Discontentment similarly tempts the mind to indulge in sinful acts including illegal transactions such as ribbah (usury), hoarding, and fraud; all in an attempt to making ends meet (if they would ever meet).

A contented mind is a peaceful mind. Contentment is virtue and one of many forms of showing gratitude to Allah, the most Beneficent. Besides making the rich poor even though without money, “contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want but the realization of how much you already have”. Comparing yourself with others makes finding contentment a million times harder. With contentment, one is able to build a personality founded on integrity and reputation. A contented person commands a lot of respect from the society. He also becomes one of those that enjoy the love and mercy of Allah (SWT). A mind blessed with contentment is a mind blessed with piety. 

No matter our individual or collective situations; no matter the quality of our life; no matter the measure of our material possessions; no matter the dictates of modernity or modern life; if we remain contented, it is better and pays off. Allah (SWT) has promised in Qur’an14:7 that He will not only improve upon our lots but will also add more favours to us. If, however, we choose not to appreciate Allah’s kindness and intangible gifts, the Omnipotent is most severe in His punishments. Certainly, Allah loves those who are contented and grateful. It takes a sincere faith for a person to attain contentment. May Allah (SWT) guide us from becoming “tools” in the hands of man’s worst enemy (Satan), amin. 


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