The Bauchi electorate and 2019

A cloud of pessimism and cynicism over the future of Bauchi State hangs in the air as the state is enmeshed in political mudslinging, even before the next general elections. The failure of the nascent democracy overtime, to deliver positive results and responsible administration after years of military rule, has led majority of the people […]

The Bauchi electorate and 2019

A cloud of pessimism and cynicism over the future of Bauchi State hangs in the air as the state is enmeshed in political mudslinging, even before the next general elections. The failure of the nascent democracy overtime, to deliver positive results and responsible administration after years of military rule, has led majority of the people to become disillusioned, frustrated and disaffected with anything called a constitutional government. Most of the electorate in the past situation preferred a military rule than the operational system of enslaving and denying them access to dividends of democracy.
In the opinion of some, democracy in the past only catapulted crooks and rogues to higher pedestal at the detriment of service. 
The failure of our democracy can be located in the total failure of politicians and those entrusted with other leadership positions in Bauchi State. This situation has compelled the electorate to kick-start the process of recalling some non-performing national lawmakers. 
Lacking vision, patriotism, nationalistic instincts and altruistic tendencies, majority of the political class view public office as an opportunity, not only to steal public funds, but to loot and plunder with pride. They derive pleasure in displaying ill-gotten wealth and ostentatious living.
From Lagos to Maiduguri, Sokoto to Port Harcourt, political leaders have redefined politics to mean an easy draining pipe of public resources, a trade that has become very enticing to crooks, vandals and misfits in the society. Overtime, leaders have paid more attention to diverting public funds meant for positive services. They have contributed more to pauperizing the already wretched, who in turn rate the political class as a collection of wicked, mean, vicious, dangerous, greedy and self-centred rogues. This feeling of disenchantment has spawned a growing and complex list of militant movements across the land, espousing very strong ethnic nationalistic agendas. The thick air of pessimism, disillusionment, disenchantment and distrust of the socio-political and economic system among the people following what many see as the imposition of inept and clueless leadership, resulted to the 2015 commonsense revolution for change that brought disciples of change to power, particularly in Bauchi State that was on the verge of total collapse. 
It was not a wonder when an intelligent report from the United States of America once speculated after a careful consideration of the multifarious, often virulent and violent pseudo-nationalistic tendencies of many ethnic groups, that the entity called Nigeria would collapse in 2015.
Although Nigerians are still praying for the continuous existence of a united, strong and prosperous country, they must heed to certain suggestions and warnings of an impending danger. We must make amends where possible, to enthrone a just, virile, buoyant and forward-looking nation.
That drives me to the point that we must, as indigenes of Bauchi State, get it right in 2019. Bauchi State was created in 1976, so it has already reached adulthood. Several mistakes were made, including parochial and imaginary hatred of certain segments of the state that is now being avoided and corrected. The love lost syndrome and myopic reasoning, including political summersault, are reasons behind the underdevelopment of the state. 
A segment of the state used to believe that it had the numerical strength to monopolise power at will through the connivance of political merchants of the other segments. 
Avoidable mistakes of the past brought the state to its present situation of stagnation. Bauchi State is blessed with abundant human and natural resources. It served as the bedrock and training ground of national politics but remains one of the poorest, with majority of the people abandoned to fate, courtesy of under- development from past inept leadership.
The point here is that the electorate, as stakeholders who are constitutionally authorised to decide their destiny, should endeavour not to repeat mistakes of the past. They should continue on the present pedestal as far as elections are concerned, minus those wild spent horses on a wild goose chase. 
Honestly, Bauchi State citizens should avoid past mistakes. The state is now regaining its lost glory and being saved from heading to the ditch. Another distraction from service delivery will definitely turn back the hand of the clock and rob the state of the many gains of democracy that Governor M.A Abubakar battles to bequeath.
At the heart of the general pessimism over the future of democracy in Nigeria and disaffection with the lackluster and wishy-washy performance of some others are the pervasive doubts about the integrity of many politicians. The caliber of gubernatorial aspirants who intend to take over from the incumbent, who is stabilising and battling the odds to redirect the state to the path of honour, is instructive. There is the need to save Bauchi State from an avoidable catastrophe.
Nahuta is a public commentator based in Azare, Bauchi State. Email: [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>