THE BEARING: Why Some Parents Give Their Children “Meaningless” names.

Download Here: The Hausa people, one of West Africa’s largest ethnic groups, have a rich tradition of naming children. These names carry meanings that often reflect a connection to family, character, or nature. But recently, there’s been a noticeable shift with some parents giving their children Arabic sounding names that often betray a lack of […]

THE BEARING: Why Some Parents Give Their Children “Meaningless” names.

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The Hausa people, one of West Africa’s largest ethnic groups, have a rich tradition of naming children.
These names carry meanings that often reflect a connection to family, character, or nature.

But recently, there’s been a noticeable shift with some parents giving their children Arabic sounding names that often betray a lack of clear understanding of the meaning behind them.
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Join us on this episode of The Bearing to find out when the trend started, why and how?