The belief in the Last Day

The Last Day which is also called Day of Qiyaam (Standing) is the end of the world. It is called the Day of Qiyaamah because of the long standing of people before Allaah. It is also called Day of Ba’th (Resurrection) because people will be resurrected that Day from their graves. To believe in the […]

The belief in the Last Day
The belief in the Last Day

The Last Day which is also called Day of Qiyaam (Standing) is the end of the world. It is called the Day of Qiyaamah because of the long standing of people before Allaah. It is also called Day of Ba’th (Resurrection) because people will be resurrected that Day from their graves.
To believe in the Last Day is to affirm all what will happen that Day and to prepare towards it. Scholars said it does not suffice to just affirm and accept what will happen on that Day, one must also prepare for it by putting good deeds forwards and keeping away from bad deeds.
Allah says: “The disbelievers pretend that they will never be resurrected. Say (O Muhammad, sallalLaahu alayhi wa salam) yes! By my Lord, you will certainly be resurrected, then you will be informed of (and recompensed for) what you did, and that is easy for Allaah” (Surah at-Taghaabuun).
While explaining this verse, the scholars of Tafseer said Allaah ordered his Messenger to swear( by his Lord that He will raise His creatures) to affirm that the statements of the disbelievers in this Day are false.
Allaah says about the disbelievers in Surah al-An’aam: “And they (disbelievers) say, ‘There is no (other life) but our (present) life of this world, and never shall we be resurrected ( on the Day of Resurrection)’.
The Qur’aan contains a lot of refutations for those who reject the Resurrection. Allaah says: “Did you think that We had created you in play (without any purpose), and that you would not be brought back to Us? So exalted be Allaah, the True King”. (al-Mu’minuun).
According to Islamic scholars, if there would not to be Resurrection and reward for actions, creations would have been useless.
“Anyone who says there is no resurrection is a disbeliever because he has belied Allaah and His Messenger and the consensus of the Muslims and that which is known in the religion by necessity. Thus, there is no doubt in the disbelief of the one who rejects Resurrection”,  Shaykh Fawzaan alFawzaan said in his book, Al-Minhat Ar-Rabbaaniyyah.
In his book, ‘He came to teach you your religion’, Ustaaz Abu Naasir Ibrahim AbdurRauf wrote: “From belief in the Last Day is the belief in everything that Allaah and His Prophet(sallalLaahu alayh wasallam) informed us concerning what will happen, right after the moment of death. Thus, we must believe in the trial of the grave, its punishment and the enjoyment of the grave. When the dead is placed in his grave, and the soil is levelled above him and people disperse; “he will certainly hear the taps of their shoes; two angels will come to him and his soul will return to his body and they will sit him up and ask him, ‘who is your Lord? What is your religion? Who is your Prophet? Three questions; if he responds with the correct answers he is saved and successful but if he is unable to answer, he is unsuccessful and destroyed and has wasted his stay in the worldly life.”