The change is finally here

We repudiated that statement and reminded them that they rule with impunity. They were arrogant and thought that abnormalities could replace normal ways of doing things.When they were squandering our riches for their selfish aggrandisement and when elections came and they took everything from the treasury, their assumption until last Wednesday that money was all […]

The change is finally here
The change is finally here

We repudiated that statement and reminded them that they rule with impunity. They were arrogant and thought that abnormalities could replace normal ways of doing things.
When they were squandering our riches for their selfish aggrandisement and when elections came and they took everything from the treasury, their assumption until last Wednesday that money was all and under whatever circumstance, one’s money would move round, it could manipulate and get things done.
No wonder, in several Nigerian states, billions of dollars were doled out to some people who found deceit as an industry. The PDP gave a few people it thought could do otherwise naira in billions and the result they got in most cases were less than the required 25 percent and the monies have gone down the drain.
Where is Attahiru Bafarawa, Ibrahim Shekarau among several other power hawks who thought they are still relevant even when they chose deliberately to part ways with the people that made them relevant? I know for sure that Bafarawa was at one time a politician but the ecstasy of power grew tremendous arrogance out of him and he lost out. As for Ibrahim Shekarau, I said several times that he had an over bloated impression of his political capacity.
Shekarau was a product of popular movement of the people but could not manage that blessing which certainly was from God. He dared God and assumed he was infallible. Ruled over his Kano State for eight years with very little to show on the ground and thought for personal political interest he could move from the platform that made him relevant to the other side and the people would go with him. He was wrong about that and the failed government of Goodluck Jonathan thought he was important, and invested so much in him. We warned them, they did not hear but last week Saturday vindicated us.
The elections were fought and have been won. As at the last count, the senate of Nigeria will have a new fragrance with the APC coming with no less than 64 members, thus, King David would at best be a minority leader. The House of Representatives too will not be different. The message here is simple, Nigeria is changing.
I have been an advocate of change for several reasons but one fact that has driven my zeal as a student of political science is the need to see in my life time and when I am still pontificating that Nigeria witnesses a change of baton from one political party to the other. This I am seeing and I am fulfilled.
The meaning here is simple, that the citizen has obtained the ticket to respectability from those who represent him/her at various levels of government. Those who are elected are not likely to be reckless as much as we have seen now and in the past. Public resources would be respected and accountability will be the watchword.
When the president-elect said he would draw a line, I do not expect that those acts of recklessness that took place and that are before the public domain would be swept under the carpet. I expect that those who are holding our resources illegally would be made to return same for public good. I expect that the reason why government establishments are not working at the moment would be brought to our knowledge and the quantum recklessness regarding public funds dedicated for the campaign, which has brought down agencies to their knees, would be investigated and made known to Nigerians.
Drawing a line, I’m sure will mean forward looking without necessarily burying those ugly incidents that made the world look down on Nigeria. Part of the restoration project would include setting the right examples for others to see.
The greatest beneficiary of this election is Nigeria. I am confident that things would work again and the selfishness that denied the nation the latitude to move forward is over. Those in the security services that acted with impunity need to be sanctioned as deterrence to those in the future. There is the urgent need for a holistic overhaul of our national security institutions that have been tragically bastardised by professionals turned lackeys of politicians in power. National security as against regime security must form the fulcrum of national defense architecture; Nigeria has seen the worst I hope.
The task ahead is enormous and I feel sorry for the in-coming government. Just like the vice president-elect said at the Bola Tinubu colloquium last week in Lagos on the question GMB asked him while driving on a campaign rally in Gusau, Zamfara State. The failure of the government is endemic and the urge and hunger for redemption on the part of the citizenry is alarming. The expectations of the people are really very high. Nigerians would expect that life would be in a perfect order on the 30th of May 2015, the fact that change has been achieved.
The new government would need magic to meet the yearnings and aspirations of the people immediately. I am of the view that the honesty and integrity that the two top most people in the new administration are made of could serve as the shock-absorber to this massive expectations. I am confident however, that the elections presented Nigerians with the option to further sacrifice so that things are made better for those living now and in the future. I am optimistic that Nigerians have made the right choice and leaders would be more responsible to the aspirations of the people than they have been.
I believe that the winner in this election is Nigeria and there is no loser. All hands must be on deck to get things going. If the commitment of Nigerians and their ingenuity would be effectively mobilised, the rot could be corrected soonest. The leadership would require the understanding of the citizens to get things done I’m sure.
I congratulate the president-elect and his vice. I equally congratulate the new senate and the House of Representatives. Nigeria shall be great again by the Grace of God.
Congratulations to Nigeria and Nigerians.